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Server fixed!
Just realised one of my servers is borked. Something in the mail queue made it fill up its disk space.
Ok, IE testing not too bad. had to use a conditional comment for 6 & 7 to sort a padding issue, but apart from that it's working! Home time!
Sometime I like to call it VMWare CONFusion seeing as how my machine gets so bogged down!
Cool, just got some first edits from the film shoot from a few weeks ago. Looks pretty good :)
Star ting uup VMMware Fuu ssi onn nn nnn. .. . .. . . . . .
So, it's time to test my nicely working site in IE. At 5.15 on a friday evening? Mmm, maybe not a thing to get into just now...
Cool, our illustrator just dropped off the first draft of a character, looks good :)
Retweeting @Hicksdesign Display the date in OS X menubar without another app:
@swinhoe Kind of melting here now, raining more than snow :(
@itwasntandy Cool, I look forward to checking it out!
Joost iPhone app badly needs updated, very buggy, barely managed to watch anything on it!
@circa1978 Not sure, but it's got some horrible table-based markup!
I relate to #14, but throughput of about 5 staff members!
Disk image background for Opera 10 -
It's not that I'm growing a beard so much but that I'm not shaving.


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