Erika Hall’s Favorites

John Moltz
Moltz Illinois... don't you have something you'd like to say to Alaska?
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane The real reason Daring Fireball doesn't have comments: During the day I'd fill it with to-do lists and at night, drunken heckling.
joshacagan Headline: "Amsterdam to Close Many Brothels, Marijuana Cafes" Along those same lines, the country will now be known as "Amsterdarn."
Andy Wibbels
andymatic @miz_ginevra just won Friday by using the term 'distractopants'.
Andy Wibbels
andymatic Next year for Black Friday they just give everybody guns so they can mow each other down trying to be first in the door at Wal-Mart.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Holy shit! Mumbai disaster news is 15% off on CNN today!!
Anil Dash
anildash Consensus from my peers on gross materialism seems to be: On Black Friday = Bad. On iPhone Day = Don't judge me!
Jon Armstrong
blurb You don't want me to offer a blessing this year. Because I'll thank Gaia for Obama, The Gays and gun control.
Keri Maijala
clamhead Just got home to find our Thanksgiving food delivery never arrived. It looks like it's toast, jelly beans, and popcorn for us tomorrow.
joshacagan Headline: "Obama and Family Hand Out Food at Chicago Church" OMG SOCIALISM
Andre Torrez
torrez When the little dude is hungry, I'm just the hype man, Amber is the MC he came to see.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane "Michael Jackson is said to be living on a diet of gravy, painkillers, and biscuits" is my favorite sentence ever. Also, my favorite diet.
Adam Koford
apelad My oldest son's xmas list: white top hat, black top hat, 2 suits, gold watch & chain, cuff links, regular cane, sword cane. (He's 9)
joshacagan Headline: "A Happy Ending for Santa" Can be found in the heartwarming new children's Christmas book, "Santa's Thai-Town Massage."
daveHoffer Economic indicator: Thomas Kellers new restaurant is called Breadlines.
Paul May
paulmmay I am genuinely sick of people talking about "educating clients". God forbid you'd listen, learn, collaborate, treat them as part of a team.
Ben Compton
bcompton I'm just saying, the next time I sent Plouffe $100 it'll be because he's going to dress up as Optimus Prime for my son's birthday party.
joshacagan Headline: "UK cocaine Users Blamed for Destroying Rainforest" It's a new eco-panic, known as "Global Snorting," or, "The Winehouse Effect."
Tim Siedell
badbanana The Big 3 automakers now have to sit in an uncomfortable little office while Congress goes out and talks with the manager.
Jason Santa Maria
jasonsantamaria Alright coffee, it's time to meet your maker.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell mai ario veen Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Jones danah boyd Mary Hodder Grant Shellen Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Michael Ferguson derek dukes om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch
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