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Tesh: "It's almost official, there's a new China syndrome and it's called China gold."
I can't believe it has been more than a year since my last twitter! A lot has happened since then. I guess I should start by telling you tha
Would an email entitled "Yang in, Semel out" make it past your spam filter?
Have motorcycle; will travel.
Even if not true, i like that maine thinks of itself as vacationland.
About to drive up to Maine to, umm, pick up a motorcycle.
Fantasizing about buying this: to turn it into this:
if every person in the world were to start rolling dice now at one roll per second, it would still take the next 25,000 years to score 375
Yahtzee == not such a good game. Plus, it's spelled weird.
Apple is gone grazy, a free iPod for everybody
Happy Birthday Stewart!
About to munch on take out Indian. Maybe tonight I'll finally watch the new Don't Look Back DVDs I got a while ago.
I wonder if I will ever tire of Sweetheart of the Rodeo.
Day off == carpentry.
OMG. Canvas is a whole new minefield of crossbrowser brain busters.
Shoveled heavy snow. Now hacking on goog's canvas stuff ph turned me on to.
Don't shave it off Cal.
Bathed the youngstresses. Now more b-ball. Ice still falling. I love march.