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@plasticbagUK I was thinking the same thing. Now... where exactly is the "delete my account" link?
Finally conquering today's Horrifically Bad Mood with some vaguely productive work
AT&T called me back! Automatedly! And put me on hold! 5 more minutes of elevator jazz and I'm going to jump out the nearest window...
My cunning plan to elicit anti-Comcast stories is already working :) Eternal dilemma - crap service, or no service (with crap customer care)
Home DSL is broken, and AT&T are already breaking promises about status updates. It may be time to take the Comcast plunge...
Alerted via email to the existence of Instant Rimshot - ... truly, the Internet has *everything*.
Cashmere scarves for $20, "made in Scotland"...... from girders? (cue whooshing sound of a joke going over non-Brits' heads)
Once again, dealing with an Onion of Retardedness... every layer you peel off reveals another layer of braindead stupidity. :-/
Awesome first day on the snow, even with only one run to ride. My new board is insanely fast and I am utterly in love with it.
Praying that the rainy day in SF means snowy enough Tahoe conditions that the resorts can open. I'd love to spend Sunday snowboarding...
For reference, 168F seems to be the magic temperature that makes the MacBook Pro GPU shit itself.
15 minutes in fridge = core CPU temp down to 118F from 168F. WIN!
My broken, keeps-overheating laptop is now taking a time-out. In the fridge. Meanwhile, my time is wasted... Not happy.
Toying with making my tweets public again. Let's see how long it is before I freak out and revert to private...
Experimenting to find the perfect Eggnog recipe for this year's holiday season. First attempt: not awful, but not stellar either.
Oh, hello Jetlag. So *lovely* to see you again. Oh, and no, I'm not going to sleep for at least another six hours, but thanks for asking.
There's nothing like coming home to San Francisco to remind you why you love it so
ensconced in Heathrow. Next stop, VS19 -> SFO
Whenever I'm back in London for vaguely business-related reasons, Yahoo! boots a useless CEO. Hopefully they won't hire another useless one.
Also, BBC1's Saturday Evening now includes a version of that Japanese "Human Tetris" game? What. The. Fuck?


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Eric Costello Matt Jones BenJ Myles Derek Powazek heather george randy stewart Stewart Butterfield Cal Henderson Amit superamit Gupta danhon Norm! ChrisH Yoz Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Rev Dan Catt Charlie B Catt Paul Hammond Aaron Straup Cope Richard Moross Paul Mison Ben Cerveny Stuart Colville Andy Baio se71 Tom Carden Denise Wilton Gavin Bell Matthew Rothenberg