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I woke up tired, and it was a tiring day, and now I'm watching over and over and giggling like a pants-on-head loon
John Hegley's "Love poem by my dog": "I saw you in the park/I wanted to be your friend/I tunnelled my snout/Up your non-barking end"
Weird... I was sure I had a soul when I woke up this morning.
@douglaswolk Please set up webcam so I can raid said crates remotely kthx
Dexter has a bright future ahead of him as a food relief agency coordinator. I swear, that kid can put oatmeal *anywhere*.
Having a meeting in a swimming pool inside a floating ice palace. Sample quote: "Snorks, that was it! SNORKS!!"
A day that starts with Q Lazzarus's "Goodbye Horses" is likely to get weirder, isn't it?
Having a brief I-guess-you-could-call-us-male bonding moment with colleague over our barely-noticeable secondary sexual characteristics
Meant to be getting work done, but actually losing myself in the Muppet Wiki:
Today, I learned that the saying "If you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself" does not cover haircuts.
@kevinmarks Tragically, Google already owns the best wiki I've ever seen; shame it threw the most important bits away (yes, JotSpot)
Hey Californians: how much should I be tipping cab drivers? They always seem rather more grateful than I expect, which is lovely, but...
Just paid a webcam visit to my chums' regular poker game back in London. Enjoying the social nostalgia before diving into another meeting.
Happy birthday to both @ferlatte and @smagdali!
@ferociousj I first read that as "if someone nutritious dies in an accident" which then made me think about ketchup
Spent a chunk of lunchtime persuading a colleague that the Daily Mail is not a parody newspaper. (It was a tough argument.)
@sarahdopp BlunderDelay for Thunderbird:


kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Rod Begbie May Woo Matt Jones Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina adam Scott Beale Kyle Ford Giles Turnbull Brian Del Vecchio Stewart Butterfield Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jeffrey McManus Mike Rowehl Alicia Simon Batistoni l.m. orchard ribot danhon Jeremy Keith spaceboy Jonhenry Righter Tantek Çelik Natalie ChrisH b4dcaos Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph
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