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@ngerakines i think it was a futon issue. i was able to access it ok from python, although i still need to create non-temporary views
finally getting around to playing w/ couchdb. am i doing something wrong? queries on a tiny data set taking forever... (also conn errors)
didn't notice before, but the highres qts of obama's addresses are HD (1280x720 H.264): (can read the book spines)
@spullara just took it. tedious, but perfect color vision, woot!
wow, that's different. aronofsky's latest looks phenomenal:
went from 278 to 50 open tabs. # of firefox tabs open would be an interesting thing to graph...
hmm, apparently centos 4.x x86 has all kinds of O_LARGEFILE issues. waah waaaaah (distro snobbery proven correct!)
dealing w/ centos and yum bs was an hour journey into crazy retardedness. want my time back
The Machine Project "Field Guide" @ LACMA today is great.
Headed to stamen soirée for a bit...
emerging from cocoon. catching up on anything particularly worthwhile?
@stevej went through a couple of the old pros but they don't make them anymore. i use an elite and was using a 7000 this summer. seem ok.
wow, hoops i just went through to get a bum video card on my mac pro replaced was pretty stupendous.
@stevej for emacs pinky, how about switching to vim? :) fwiw, my ms natural has helped keep the tendonitis away for the past few years...
In shorts enjoying fresh squeezed OJ. Good to be back home.
@jsjohnst @jhstrauss @mediajunkie heh, sorry about that, nm for nevermind about NE 2 CD. NM is def in the tank.
update: nm, flipped mccain by 569 votes - nader had 1502 votes and mckinney had 292 votes.
Wow, Obama wins Nebraska's second district. By 359 votes.
@iancr looks like you're gonna owe a lot of people dr peppers :)


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