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@aprilrinne and I visited spice farm on Zanzibar today. Never knew nutmeg looks like a pear & cardamom grows on external root shoots; whoa
@endeavorprep akchully, Zanzibar for the next couple of days, then the looong way home. love yr tweets, blog & site, btw; you go!
hoping @lekishonmaasai hits an Internet cafe in Arusha some time soon, so we can reconnect
hey tweeple! just discovered our Zanzibar Internet-less hotel has WiFi, and it's open! soooper slow, but delightful!
on a 300 baud Net connection in Stones Town, Zanzibar. waaaarm by the ocean, and our animal adventures are over. tx everyone for bd wishes!
A fabulous birthday celebration at the Big Y club in Arusha, Tanzania. Tx, A, R, L, E, S!
sitting in an internet cafe in Arusha, TZ, surrounded by new friends
about to take a 10-hr bus to Arusha, then from there up-country. my tweets will be scarce for a week or so!
@dina first thing the #idlo Dar organizer said to me last night was "saw your friend Dina on CNN just now"
no net access all day, so extra Thanks given today for many, many things. #idlo Dar is over; tomorrow to Arusha, then Ngorongoro Crater
for puzzled followers, #idlo Dar = IDLO Microfinance ( workshop w 25 regional experts, held in Dar es Salaam
@valdiskrebs looks like Stella's group has just finished a site, will tell me URL tomorrow. Normal PC access
@panklam give him a squeeze for me, willya?
tired, stomach a little queasy, but gr8 day at #idlo Dar. light dinner and early to bed
#idlo Dar: in Nigeria, when husband dies, wife is suspected immediately. has to drink water corpse washed with to prove innocence
at #idlo, Stella Odife of the Women’s Organization for Gender Issues now talking. wow. they have no website. anyone want to help?
created 7 blogs for #idlo participants (yay!). yahoo, sooo hard to switch accounts, and so much trash on screen. no wonder you #FAIL
#idlo Dar some women so poor they have no concept what to do with teensy unused portion of a microloan. very moving and difficult stories
@kiruba sending healing thoughts to you and your daughter
@nikolaj try again. I just went to the blog and the post, and both worked. here's the post URL again: