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We will go anyhwere, overcome any obtstacle for our goal of open data, transparency and better govt web sites :
$300K, $200K $100K prizes for wireless innovations creating social change. Feb 2 deadline. http://challenge.vodafone-u...
@dsearls writes on open source trends from Dean to Obama to good government groups, incl. quotes from me:
We came off HOT Toy Story ride and were picked to ride AGAIN b/c of marching Tshirts. Woot!
2hrs from plane through Disney check in, bus, check in, cruise check in, to hotel room.
Excellent short, funny vid on realities of new economy via Dewayne Hendricks:
At Dulles. Lucrezia and I headed to meet family in Orlando.
Change = Evolution
Project for New American Century said in 2000 "The [US] is the world's only superpower...." - I thought then - like being only dinosaur.
Also interesting: PDF or your RSS feeds:
Fascinating development. Medill Journalism school offering scholarships for programmers
@matthewburton Thx for link to - another one page spread of news.
RT @benjaminblack: big impact for mobile in banking for "the unbanked": - classic ex .underserved adopting first
@tobrien Now you warn me about the installer CD. All fixed. Had to set Airport to default and reconfigure.
Comcast installer guy great. Fast speed, but Comcast install cd hosed my airport. Going to command line to fix. Thx lord for web.
Heading home to get cable and Internet from Comcast. Wish more choices avail. Paying extra for faster bandwith bc want to send mkt msg
RE news site design RT @timoreilly: @jasonfried: "...why the Drudge Report is one of the best designed sites."
very interesting presentation of news. Me likes:


Jerry Michalski Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Charles W Tim Bonnemann Miriam nicco mele David HM  Spector Tantek Çelik Stuart debs Howard Greenstein Oyvind Solstad Robert Scoble Jeremy Carbaugh Kat Herding frank Pito Salas Kevin Marks Bruno Pedro Silona Joi Ito David Orban Sue Braiden Chris Pirillo Micah Sifry Jesse Robbins Barack Obama sarah lefton Tim McGovern Socialtext