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props to @AIDSgov unlike some fed Twitterati who only follow each other (that's called incest where I was raised), they follow real folks..
Thought Ford's was the best presentation of the Big 3: despite Explorer, etc., have been on greener path for longest time..
Another Lincoln/Obama parallel that's all too rare in politics: can't over-estimate benefit of listening to opponents. May even get ideas!
@disastersrus I'm all ears. To what are you referring?
Pedroia extension reflection of methodical approach owners take, growing from within, building team (not 25 cabs). Future
all but 1 of my brood done w/ college, but tears heart out to think millions of kids may not be able to attend:
what's the new app that allows you to do cool Twitter backgrounds? was going to do it yesterday, and forgot...
Belatedly read Krugman "Depression Economics" Why I believe so much in Democratizing Data: no more biz as usual!
Harvard endowment loss of $8.1b shows we're all in this together(except for WallSt. scum who won't forego bonuses)
@kirbstr I knew about colony collapse disorder, but not about acorns. Just looked in yard, which usually has zillions. Very few..
wuz up @ 5 to get in a few hrs. of concentrated writing on Democratizing Data before the family stirred. Think it's taking shape!
Good morning @kirbstr We held off on any substantive discussion until you were here. What's 1st on global agenda this AM?
How about 1 M Twitter users go in together to buy one of car maker's private jets at bargain rates? Ultimate ride sharing. Proletarian Air?
Mailed huge rebate offer from Cadillac-Hummer dealer.Cadillac? HUMMER??? sorry, there must have been mixup. I'm at other end of mpg spectrum
@MarkMayhew Rebuilding infrastructure after Hurricane Ike definitely opportunity for Bridges 2.0 approach
@MarkMayhew Was thinking more in terms of official communicating on Hurricane Ike cleanup in terms of Web 2.0...
RT @ShawnaCoronado Cool: just in time as I shift into high crafting mode this weekend!
Article asks if Bush is worst Pres. of last 50 yrs. Why not expand time frame to 219 yrs?Challenger for Buchanan!
just checked my spam folder: I'm sending myself increasing quantity of spam.
@SashaKane that's why I argued for real-time data feeds about how bailout $ used. Feasible&critical for confidence


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Dennis Crowley Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Clay Johnson Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Stephen Randall brady forrest Alex Rainert Alex Hillman Ruby Sinreich Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Doug Haslam Jim Long Daniel X. O'Neil
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