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Need to pop back into work and catch up on things but there are these cramps that scream "no, no, no!" sad me.
Weaving ends and trying to get some crochet done while watching NCIS. Twitterfon is being a douche. :(
huh. the shazam app actually works. nice.
listening to Most Evil while working the last hour of my short shift today. i feel like grossness and would like to curl up and sleep.
i hate VPNs.
Flickr Update - Mutant Enemy - Worsted Weight
Flickr Update - Mutant Enemy - Bulky Weight
wth? the docking station doesn't have 2 ps2 ports, and the new monitor switch doesn't allow for usb connections. BOO WORLD, BOO
caryn broke my brain with a local story of a woman, a teenager, and a dog. no, that's not a "they walked into a bar" joke. *scrubs brain*
*shakes* c'mon, momma wants a new video card at a good price, dvi preferred.
just put "Legend" and "Willow" on the iphone, bc, hello, 2 favorite movies.
@djchall your air keyboarding skills, i'm sure, would impress anybody. \m/
i really just love me some sweet italian sausage and diced tomatoes. if there's rice, then that's okay too.
@YarnThing all right, nevermind. i just talked to you on the phone. proceed! ;)
Flickr Update - Yarn for Jules giveaway winner
@YarnThing are you around? i need to talk to you!
need to get my act together and get something going at Crochet and Knit Giveaways. need to re-contact my super secret giveaway-er
Trying twitterfon while eating Andes mint cookie. Nomnomnom...
Flickr Update - Crochet heart iPhone background


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