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The Roku is AWESOME. I've been watching lesbian stand-up all night long. I never have to do sit-ups again if I keep laughing this hard.
Your plans sound awesome!
I am full of bendiness and relaxation, and for some reason this makes me want to sing "I'm Henry the 8th I am" really loudly. "I am I am..."
Heading to yoga in a bit, but I couldn't resist tryinf my Roku first. Netflix has feminist documentaries available for instant play. Squee!
A Netflix player for my TV arrived on my doorstop today. Only I didn't order one. Coupla calls later I discover it's a present. AWESOME!
Note to self: never again have black bean stew for breakfast - no matter how good it is. No one needs that much fiber in the morning.
@romanlily Definitely a more positive way of looking at it! ::hugs::
We've been "studying" for an hour already. Now, though, we're opening our books. Let the fun die.
Some days I wake up with Wicked songs going through my head. Today it was "loathing, un-a-dul-terated loathing!" in a chirpy soprano. Beware
3 cats curled up on the couch. Luca lies in the dark in the other room & watches longingly. Where did these self-esteem issues come from?
Hancock: better movie, but the gender dynamics BUGGED ME. "You're so great, but I'm your weakness" is throw up in my mouth a little BS.
Now, should I watch Wall*E or Hancock next? Cuteness or hotness? Robots or superheroes? Argh! It's Indecision '08 all over again.
@romanlily Yeah, their relationship felt a little more Adventures in Babysitting then Mr and Mrs Smith.
Wow. Wanted was a bad movie. Overuse of slow-mo, irritating voiceover, & twists I saw coming a mile away. Thank goodness for the hot actors.
Am I the only one who thinks putting James MacAvoy and Angelina Jolie in a movie called "Wanted" is snicker-worthy?
I want the Charlie Brown music to follow me around whenever I'm sad so people know when to give me chocolate. I think it would be affirming.
I decided to wallow in self-pity tonight. I got pizza & ice cream & a movie. Strange how much a night of wallowing looks like a night o'fun.
I think my cats currently have a longer attention span than I do. Is ADD airborne or am I just becoming, god help me, caffeine-resistant?
Coffee makes the world better. It helps the birds to sing, the cats to purr, the rain to make that tapping noise. I love you, coffeeeeeeee!
There is only one solution to my difficult decision: I will turn to drink and put off making it.


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