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@schampeo boo. icanhaz can not has URLs w/ named anchors, but i deb0rked 'em. Yeah... really not at all close... WTF?
Anyone know if "duck" and "beef" look similar in any Chinese dialect? This is the third time hot crispy beef has arrived as Peking duck.
Gas stations that hang their 8s upside down drive me nuts.
@jgarber What's that blue thing doing here?
Of all the mangling Lucas did to the original Star Wars movies, pasting Hayden Christensen into the end of Jedi is simply unforgivable.
@kplawver You need Ronco's new Boy-in-a-Bubble Vacation Edition!
OK economy, consider yourself stimulated.
@melissaclark @steveganz Bumping iPhones... How euphemistical... Please, not the multitouch.
@jgarber re:Zappos My wife's bought from them in the past. Very pain-free. Pre-paid return shipping FTW!
@placenamehere w00t! I can has d90 unboxing, too!
Feeling like Dorothy -- Been wanting a better interface to S3 than S3Fox and Cyberduck's had it all this time. There's no place like home
You've GOT to be kidding me... Bravo is calling the people on Top Chef "cheftestants"? *wretch*
@placenamehere What are you upgrading to? (I just sold my d80 to my brother and am watching for a deal on a d90.)
Found @kplawver 's new iPhone case. Too bad it doesn't come in "chicken-fried."
Survived first solo day with the boy. Waterbabies class attended. Naps, meals, and bottles all had. And now Dad's in bed.
OK, so let's just get rid of the whole lame duck period and have the inauguration now. It worked for the primaries
My prediction: Obama to 341 by the end of the night with IN and maybe MO too close to call. G'night.
This is starting to look like more of a drubbing than a squeaker.
Having lunch at sidewalk cafe. Guy just walked past wearing leather jacket w/ embossed Sopranos logo across back. Srsly?


Dunstan Caroline vOdB Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz Dinah Sanders Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Tantek Çelik Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Kevin Smith Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Beep. Jackson Wilkinson Dan Rubin Brian Fling Jason Garber Faruk Ates cindy li James Craig Malarkey Christopher Schmitt Kevin Smokler Nick Finck Justin Stockton Jeffrey Zeldman Steve Chipman Justin Thorp James McNally