Caroline vOdB’s Favorites

Stephen Fry
stephenfry This is the only hotel I know where they have a glass butt-plug thing in the bathroom which turns out to be for putting your rings on x
Stephen Fry
stephenfry Priests are SO sinister, aren't they? One at the table next to me. Brrrr x
Gavin Friday
gavinfriday Six feet of foetus flung at sparrows in the sky..
Stephen Fry
stephenfry w00t! Grillaz like totally PWN the jungle, innit x
Anil Dash
anildash This guy is cruising through the East Village blasting "Careless Whisper" and it's like he's leaving a wake of devastating sexiness behind.
hoppysw3 Never evil-eye a woman with a suspicious blue and white bag strapped to her front on the Tube. It's hiding a piano accordian. She'll use it.
Lodewijk Schutte
low Jesus to God: "I said: drink this wine, it is my blood." -"What?! That's vamprirism! Why didn't you say: 'drink this wine, it's a Merlot'?"
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman The wife and I have a deal. She decides where we live and where our kid goes to school. I decide how long the US stays in Iraq.
Francisco van Jole
2525 Het Iphone-abonnement wordt als 2-jarig aangeprezen. Hoop dat het ook korter kan want iphone die ik nu heb is binnen jaar 3x verouderd
Firda Beka
firda Do you think it's offensive to tell someone that their baby looks like Yoda?
martijn Woord van de dag: retroseksueel
Guardian Tech
guardiantech [news] Microsoft's move for Yahoo imminent
erwin blom
erwblo Start with fun and the money will follow. If not you still have had fun.
Evan Williams
ev couple near me at whole foods are discussing Twitter. she thinks it's boring. bitch.
Tom Coates
plasticbagUK Working for a large company is a bit like being a parasite on a gigantic Sea Kraken, always nervous about its digestive and sexual problems.
Derek Powazek
fraying Twitter is wonderful in the way the Internet was wonderful in 1995. So full of life. So little money. The total dickwads still not here. .
Francisco van Jole
2525 Word ik gebeld door Paypal of het klopt dat ik vandaag vier keer een laptop heb weggegeven. "Yes, the Dutch Twitterers did that". Echt waar
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman While unpacking, unearthed "Sugar and Snow," a novel I wrote at 22. After an editor returned the MS unopened, I went out for a 16 yr drink.


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