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@tomsantos that doesn't sound good (package managers shouldn't eat installations - maybe feed them but...) can you provide details, version?
@erl please post or email me detailed notes on these observations; can't please everyone but if you find it inconsistent, others may too
@erl remember, sudo is there too now :-)
@auditty now, there's an idea! a xmas album from kraftwerk!
@erl nonsense! like many older solaris things, it's sadly too difficult to use. a recent write-up that might help
disc o' the day: across the universe soundtrack
@oneguynick thanks for the comments; please let us know how we can improve things either here or via
@dcaoyuan i assume you know a somewhat older version, R12B-1, is already there, right?
@br3nda congrats on your 1st lesson - how do your finger feel? :-)
@Joanmarie you know me too well! i was wondering if you would pick that up... how's that ice storm?! :-)
still thinking opensolaris engineering should be based in NZ from nov through apr
@erl you're welcome but just glad you're trying it and providing feedback
@br3nda there must more to life with solaris than just letting it sit there? :-)
disc o' the day: radiohead's airbag/how am i driving?
made some progress tracking down that crazy tod issue with vmware & opensolaris
@jdub good morning @jdub :-)
@Krule what about using opensolaris here instead? it is fully redistributable and largely open source
@enneff you need to check the opensolaris userland - it's not your father's or mother's solaris any more (hey, i'm a parent too!)
@bensummers we're not planning to do a wholesale replacement; rather, we're looking at things command by command. we want the best of both
@erl have seen that bug reported; does it prevent wireless from working or is it spurious message?