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packed for the trip away,gadgets loaded and charged,but have I forgotten anything? Don't want to have to buy _another_ continental adaptor.
so farewell - you looked like an interesting idea, but I never used my account, I guess I'm not alone in that.
would it be too much to ask that a printed e-ticket for a flight fit on one side of A4? Or indeed a hotel booking confirmation.
browsing the rejected Number10 e-petitions. Some are very random. eg http://petitions.number10.g...
Chrismas lunch at the office today, sooo hungry, but I have to wait another 32 minutes
@davorg great news - go Dave!
been listening to modern country music on internet radio today for a bit of a change. It really is all about breakups and beer.
Looked at Oliver Postgate DVDs on Amazon, but got distracted by the Mr Benn one for £3.98. Already have the Clangers on VHS.
thinking of avoiding the work christmas drinks tomorrow evening; they are having a quiz, which sounds ghastly.
cold out, but the roads aren't as slippery as I expected. Still, cycled very slowly round the corners just to be on the safe side.
booked a hotel in Stockholm for next weekend. Will they have shiny things at Heathrow T5. Yes.
@cowfish always prepared to be swayed. If you decide the other tracks are better than Human, I'd be interested to know.
@cowfish yes, I know a lot of Killers songs too, but I don't like them. Especially that new one - Human.
my work laptop is auditing my external backup drive - well, it was, now the auditing software seems to have crashed.
really wishing the bbc news website would STOP trying to show me video. Surely most people are also reading it at work.
addictively spelling things on http://www.timesspellingbee...
trying to decommission an old laptop; deleting all the applications I installed but never use.
@blech 69p for MP3s of chart hits on Amazon. DRM free. Looks good.
Dear $bank, please do not phone me on my mobile and then ask me to prove I am me by giving you my address and date of birth. Thanks.
Listening to Now 70, and lamenting the poor standard of pop song. Even my kids agree.


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