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discovered today that only 99.5% of my job is fantastic, a fact accentuated by my 0.5% unfantastic morning. fair enough.
searching for words that describe how I feel about an unpleasant, but important, deed to perform
this morning we clean, for this afternoon is The Finishing of the Lego Millenium Falcon
folding laundry and remembering my dad getting after me at the age of 3 for having my t-shirt tucked in
what a week
is it simply impossible to have zero audio glitches at a conference or is the AV team at #w2s sub par?
only several feet away from the next tour de france winner
zappos CEO, as he talks about the importance of company culture at #w2s seems to be on the verge of tears
new word: thumbsing. as in thumbsing something up or down.
the most effective remedy to poverty according to larry brilliant: early education for girls
my registration fee for #web2summit could have paid for a nice video switch. this manual switching is killing me!
guy kawasaki is watching me type with my thumb as I send this to twitter
is it too early for the inaguration?
OH: sorry, I'm breast milk intolerant
gladly gave 2 hours of my life to World of Goo. A brilliant and gorgeous game.
I cannot begin to appreciate your ride until you learn how to turn the damned alarm off
feeling like brad pitt's character in Burn After Reading as I wheel my bike into my doctor's appointment
in a parade! for pets! pets in costume!
had a run in with a semitruck of bigotry and pettiness tonight


Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Eric Case veen Eric Costello Ian Hay Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Amanda President Monteiro bryan mason Victor lane Aaron Huslage Dan Cederholm Cameron Marlow Cal Henderson Stikkit Geoffrey Grosenbach Meg Hourihan MJ Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Sam Felder Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Paul Hammond Sandy
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