• July 8, 2008

    McIntyre Represents U.S. at International Assembly: Both His Religious Freedom Amendments Pass

    Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre recently represented the United States at the International Parliamentary Assembly in Kazakhstan.
    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe conducted its annual international meeting with 56 countries represented by parliamentarians and legislators to take action on issues involving military security, human rights, combating sexual exploitation of children, violence against women, human trafficking, and protecting religious freedom, as well as a number of economic and environmental concerns.

    Representative McIntyre was one of 12 delegates representing the U.S. Congress at the assembly, which was held in Astana, Kazakhstan, the new capital city of the former Soviet republic.

    Two amendments offered by McIntyre at the gathering were approved by the countries present.  Both involved the protection of religious freedom.

    Representative McIntyre was originally appointed to the U.S. Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as “the Helsinki Commission”, in 2004, and is now a senior member of the commission.