• September 10, 2008

    McIntyre Announces $150,000 for North and West Lumberton Weed and Seed

    Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Mike McIntyre announced today that  both North and West Lumberton have been approved for $150,000 in federal funds to help fight crime, reduce drugs, gangs, and violent crimes.

    Congressman McIntyre stated, “We must attack crime and violent behavior at every street corner and every neighborhood.  These federal funds will help the City of Lumberton do just that, and it is good to see our taxpayer dollars at work!  We now have federal money to help fight crime in all sections of Lumberton! “ 

    McIntyre continued, “With the current community centers we received federal funds for in South Lumberton and East Lumberton, we now have strong federal assistance for law enforcement throughout the city.  Congratulations to Mayor Pennington, Chief McNeill, and Sylvia Stone of the Weed and Seed office for their work in securing these funds.”

    North/West Lumberton was approved as a Weed and Seed Community effective October 1, 2007.  This is the North/West site’s second award to implement it strategy.  $75,000 of these funds will go to weeding activities and $75,000 will go to seeding activities.

    Congressman McIntyre is a member of the House Law Enforcement Caucus.