United States Congress
  For Immediate Release   Contact: Shrita D. Sterlin
November 25, 2008 (202) 225-5936
Reps. Ellsworth and Welch urge members to support Towns for Oversight chairmanship

Washington, DC - Today, Reps. Brad Ellsworth (IN) and Peter Welch (VT) endorsed Rep. Edolphus “Ed” Towns as chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. In a joint letter to Democratic Members, Ellsworth and Welch discussed Towns’ role in helping them to advance legislation and urged other Members to join them in supporting Towns.

The text of the letter follows:

“We are supporting Edolphus Towns to be chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform based on our work with him during our freshman terms. 

As chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement, Ed Towns took an active interest in helping us move forward on our legislative ideas for making government more efficient.  His work in guiding our bills through the legislative process – through hearings, his subcommittee, the full committee, and the floor – was invaluable in achieving passage of the bills we developed as freshmen.  We believe that as full committee chairman, Ed Towns will be just as open to ideas and bills from all parts of the Democratic caucus, including newer members. 

We ask that you join us in supporting Ed Towns for chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the 111th Congress.”

Having served on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee for the past 26 years, Rep. Towns is currently the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement.  As chair, Towns focused on helping freshmen Members pass good-government legislation. Thirteen bills originating in the Government Management Subcommittee were passed in the House of Representatives in the 110th Congress. The Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement, under Towns’ leadership, held 23 hearing on such issues as poor performance and tax evasion by federal contractors; independence of Inspectors General; security of federal computer systems and ID documents; and management of health care for 9/11 responders.


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