Dan Cederholm’s Favorites

Adam Darowski
adarowski Whoever sliced bread hired to be their marketing team did a kickass job.
beep Think I've just met the illicit love child of Tom Brokaw and Wilford Brimley. Also: you're welcome for that image.
veen Once you start the knot, you have to get it right. Fiddling with a tie will never make it straight.
beep Being awake is a design flaw.
tiffehr Best NYC friend celeb. run-in so far. Joey @ Starbucks: "I'm a big fan of your work". Steve Buscemi: "What, like 'Con Air'? 'Armageddon'?"
Todd Dominey
tdominey I think Hammacher Schlemmer loosely translates to "ridiculous shit rich people buy."
Jason Santa Maria
jasonsantamaria has perfected the skill of saying "hi" in such a manner that it means "fuck you".
beep There are days when “out for delivery” just isn’t enough. #afraidtoshower
beep Just wrote check #666. Walked out of apartment with unintentionally popped collar. Coincidence? I think fucking not, universe.
Adam Darowski
adarowski I spend roughly 3-5% of my life with Michael Penn's "No Myth" in my head. No idea why.
beep If you ever want to empathize with the head-melting Nazis from the end of _Raiders_, ask @drinkerthinker to describe her dreams.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman If it takes 17 tweets to make your point, you ain't twitterin', you's bloggin'.
Cabel M. Sasser
cabel Of all the songs about date rape, I think "Baby It's Cold Outside" is by far my favorite.
beep @simplebits: Which is why I'm calling it Thongsgiving from here on out. ...what?
Kerry Murphy
KerryM Boy insisted on wearing his bike helmet to the store. After this morning's fall, I didn't argue. Got lots of sympathetic stares though.
Brian Oberkirch
brianoberkirch My new service idea: fritter. One simple question. What are you frying?
Jeremy Keith
adactio Everyone likes to think their wit deserves when really it's more like
Eric A. Meyer
meyerweb Nothing forces awareness of personal and societal sexism like shopping for birthday party goodie bags.
Jenn Lukas
JennLukas Expression Engines default pagination markup makes me throw up in my mouth a little.
Jared M. Spool
jmspool @vanderwal Stephen Wright: "I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of widths."