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Great music video idea with flip books:
hooray for past,present,future annual web stats projections and reports
@1Marc There's no reason that many games that would have previously been done in Flash can't be done in the exact same quality in JS now.
@1Marc Best JS based RPG I've seen. Usually they don't even work at all. Still-- it had some silly oversights (like map draw in problems).
lulz RT @gormsby Have a conditional comment that sends ie6 users to the Photoshop mockup. Problem solved!
Rotating html 180 degrees in webkit doesn't make the page scroll backwards. Just for the record. In case you were wondering.
@natekoechley Don't forget Edit Each Line in Selection for doing vertical edits on the ends of variable length lines. #textmate
@meyerweb I had a fantastic experience using the auto-migration built into 10.5. Your mileage may vary.
<3 Jon Stewart. Religion is more of a choice than sexuality ever is - we protect religions equally but not sexualities?
@dasil003 That's Keys Firearms Ammo... potty mouth. hehe And "degreelessness" mode.
idkfa iddqd #doom
Happy birfday Doom!
@nihiliad And yes, that presentation was very starter level with simple examples. He made that comment about devs and the code he's seen
@nihiliad Need no IDE debate. Yr point re notepad vs better editors gets at it. I think most devs would already have a suitable editor.
@nihiliad do you keep your subclasses in different files?
Liked @meyerweb's advice on how to help development/adoption of CSS3 (last question):
@chuckrector It was lulz when he conceded that at the end of the talk. Great stuff though. Also predicted the call for factory pattern.
@chuckrector The Hevery polymorphism talk had me thinking: 1 switch, 1 file to n subclasses, n files; coding like this requires a good IDE.


Cal Henderson Snook Nate Koechley Andy Baio Peter Fleck Dan Grigsby Eric A. Meyer Matt Pennig John Resig Paul Armstrong Graham Colin McFadden Sam Buchanan Kamran Ayub Chad Dav Glass slicehost matt Phil Wilson Kristofer Layon Minnov8 Sara tomstanoch Charles Rector jasonsack brandonnn Jesse Mullan Gabe Ormsby dasil003 1Marc David Naughton paulpoops Dan Kunitz commonroots Christopher Randel MinneWebCon Eric Eklund