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The cat freak out is going on three hours now. What will happen next?
"I think in details."
Twilight was great. A sappy, teen romance movie, and even Ted enjoyed it :D He might even read the books now. That says something.
Very very pretty morning in Portland. This is what November days should be like.
Prepping for the party. Made the most fantastic playlist ever :) Check it--->
Very good birthday. Many messages on facebook, good dinner and dessert, lovely presents. Splendid day overall.
Me: I think it's called a pocket square. Man, we've been watching too much What Not to Wear Dad: YEAH. You have.
Liv: Dad, have you ever been a republican? Dad: HELL NO. (I guess it's funnier when you can hear his tone of voice...)
Look at that crowd at the Democratic National Convention! Eat that McCain.
Go Wilson JV 2 Women's Soccer! :D
Got my high schedule! :D And I managed to slide out of PE. GO HAVING THREE ELECTIVES!
Has the most kick ass chicken on planet earth. She's a fighter! :D (not literally...)
Segways: scooters for nerds.
Hybrid cars. Environmentally friendly. Usually silverish green or vice versa. Often has GPS, but it's not necessarily right.
Dumped out everything in my closet and now have a 2 ft. deep 10x10 pile of clothing blocking the front door.
Was mad and disappointed last night at Skippy's remark. But then again, why should I take a kid nicknamed after peanut butter seriously?
The pudding traitor WILL pay.
I want to turn the whole thing upside down, I'll find the things they say just can't be found, I'll share this love I find with everyone...
Everyone STOP what you're doing, and go youtube "Harry Potter in the Hood."
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time...


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Wetherell mai Jessica leftsider Fru james Brad Angelique Alicia Race i heart quotes olivia Mykul ashleystar Mango VictoriaC SMITH Magazine super_mandy Phenobarb bunneh Bart Darth Vader Benjamin Remy Michael Pennie margot mathews Cliff Ravenscraft Julie Jalone Jeff Cutler J. Bagadonuts Live Earth Morgo Dwight K. Schrute