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it is 10:18am and I'm still the only one in the office. I'm beginning to suspect I missed out on an important bit of information. - htt
@MarinaMartin I've taken the 194 many times to SEATAC. where are you? it stops at all tunnel stops.
*sighh* every once in a while i really, REALLY miss twitter's old track feature and IM notifications. This is one of those times.
Heading to @dacort's startup security talk. Can't wait to hack along :)
wow! google reworked maps. includes walking directions and step-by-step streetview. very impressed!
@guykawasaki although gOS Cloud uses Google Chrome, the company is not affiliated with Google.
interesting how much apple's internet-usage-share goes up every weekend (only to drop again for the workweek)
@MaggieConv me too *yaaaaAAAAAAAAAAWN*
@iTod d me with your email address please? I'd like to contrib to Fluid and have some ideas to help this great app soar.
@iTod then may this be a feature request? support RegEx pattern matching for URLs in a future version please :)
@iTod what pattern-parser do you use for not PERL/RegEx? trying to build pattern for EXCEPT **
@dacort I'll try to be there on tues. Sounds like fun.
@guykawasaki I saw bolt in 3D last night; such a great, fun movie. I can't wait to see all of the flicks previewed in 3D.
@BreakingNewsOn 2nd shooting at that Tukwilla mall in 2008. This one leaves 16-yo male dead, young male injured, suspect at large.
refreshing gmil every 5 minutes hoping to get themes :/
@jovialjacki jealous... hopefully I'll get themes by the end of the week. I'm running google hosted apps and there's always a bit of a delay
i can't wait to get my gmail upgraded to themes!
@TUAW TextWrangler,, Minefield(Firefox3), Quicksilver, MacFusion+MacFUSE,, Photoshop CS3
Package left Anchorage at 4:47 pm, hasn't arrived anywhere yet. 6 hrs in air, I'm only 2.5hr flight away?


Chris Wetherell Lane seanbonner Jason Calacanis C Veronica Belmont Kevin Cheng kimbalina hober John Gruber Becky Lee Baher Al Hakim Brandy Marina Martin Sarah Austin Damon C Julia Roy Brad Fitzpatrick Casey McKinnon Miguel Lopez Todd Ditchendorf Jacki Irene Kaoru Barack Obama Stephen Colbert Star Rick Turoczy Amanda Congdon Derek Benson Alejandro Reyes Ward Sarah Carr Tessa Horehled Lynn dan DiFelice