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Cupcakes are not very feeling you know
time to start cookin dinner, I'm starvin
@Mobasoft Sounds like something my mum would say, hehe
@enchantedivy The car I drive now could blow up any day now, but got to wait till Jan 16th to get ir. I'm shocked old one lasted 2 1/2 yrs
@enchantedivy Yeah, my bro's cool. My thought: if I bought that car off a lot, I wouldn't be able to pay $100 or less/month & get repairs
@artbyskym my mum is the crazy one of the two, stepdad is quiet & nice & a lil onery, mum is just crazy, lol
@Ray_Peterson lol, yeah, that's colorful alright, lol
@artbyskym I'm aware & cosign myself to that, lol. I'll just dope mum up, lmfao!
@artbyskym My plan is to buy land in the country & build my own house, far far in the future, lol
@Ray_Peterson like I said that was 5 yrs ago & I needed a car so bad that I bought it, car lasted me 3 yrs only got 13 tickets, lol
@artbyskym my mom finally has started tellin people I'm in college since I graduate next dec, gotta love your folks =D
@enchantedivy He's also said if the car needs work while I'm payin him for it than he'll pay for it, you can't beat that w/ a stick
@Ray_Peterson He's not ripping me off, rippin me off was sellin me a car w/o a title 5 yrs ago, lol
@BostonSwag Got a paper that's buggin me, lol
@enchantedivy I trust my bro w/ this. He's one of those has more $$ than he knows what to do w/ so spends it on his cars, so it's worth it
I've had 3 cars, bought all beat up. I'd like to own a car that doesn't look like it's been hit w/ a sledge hammer
@Ray_Peterson And this will be the nicest car I've ever owned! No body damage!


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