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listening to the Carlton Pearson story again. Amazing how asking questions & having an opinion is, to some, heresy
Watching my daughter perform Jane Eyre. She's beautiful and talented. Gets it from her mother.
Spending time with my new friend. Mr. Smithwick's. He's Irish.
@mndoci daytime this time of year would mean sometime between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. .....I can't wait for summer.
@kjarrett I always use cookies as a lure. Works for kids and parents both!
A dear friend lost his Mom this week. Anything I think of to say to him sounds shallow and stupid. There should be some kind of training.
ok, I know I have grades to do.. I do! I just.....can't bring myself to face em....That's it! everyone gets a B! movin on!
Need to buy band merch. Any advice? success stories? recommendations? We've never been very good at this part.
@thematthewshow @twoarmtom @RyanRE @Jodith Thanks for the reply! Helped with my Social Netwking lesson, Class got a big kick out of it.
I am showing twitter to my class. Say hello!
School is blocking all tiny url links, "redirect, security issue". Arrrgghhh! and my Clearwire box won't work from here! I need a new room!
@JueL always fried, light batter.
@auritech agreed, just angry the industry exists like a bad step-parent. angry the people are so easily led, like lemmings.
just stumbled on this, and it makes the artist in me furious, rise up and revolt!
I am thoroughly enjoying a visit from your friend and mine. The Flu. *insert hacking and fever here*
I'd like to network with some musicians from other countries (not the US) anyone have any ideas? I want to communicate out of the box.
if we cant get guns away from idiot gangs, can we at least teach them to shoot correctly so they can just kill each other!!
Yesterday's "furniture store" music gig was strangely enjoyable and not as weird as anticipated. Maybe that's my new genre....maybe not.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Krissy Bush Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Matt Galligan seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om tedr Gavin Nick Douglas Maria Jose Mr Messina Jeff Tim Kersey JD Martin Hall Scott Beale Reid Burke Aubrey Sabala (jeff)isageek deeje Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Glenda Joost Schuur Cory Wright Stewart Butterfield Alden
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