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@garrickvanburen cooperating is working on poor requirements, in a poor process. i don't like to cooperate in a dilemma. i like to defect.
@garrickvanburen followers' dilemma: cooperate = follow a weak/inept leader; defect = call the leader on misdirection, disorientation.
@semanticwill employees' dilemma: cooperate = pretend company works smart; defect = call the company on their, um, shortfalls. i oft defect.
still at work. filling out a timesheet from 2wks back. wonder where my children are.
delivered a killer concept model today w/ @habber.
eating Cheerios. so i can be
spent 3 hrs working as a Business Analyst today. time wasted on interpreting requirements assuming technical knowledge of a proposed system.
i think the Prisoners' Dilemma has two corollaries: the Followers' Dilemma and the Employees' Dilemma.
new interpretation of AiW: having the world the way you want it will scare you more than the usual constructs bore you.
background: Alice in Wonderland, MCMLI version. foreground: cognition cards, html audits of sites we've launched.
ALT-F-U...adjusting page setups in Visio
reading wikipedia entry on "prototype theory" in "semantics" ent
in a race to Inbox=0 prior to 10:30a mtg. i'm ahead.
@pzriddle thot you meant MS Expression at first. was very confused.
@jhsindesign i cut out the NYTMag article w/ the info graphic of energy-gen floors and still have it posted. favorite idea collection.
spending too much time in web developer comparing sites i've architected. goal: compare IA to what was delivered. ultimate goal: get better.
@bryanjbusch and, to help give some who are unaware a flavor of how to bake-in accessibility.
@bryanjbusch also, it helps to show what seo helps w/ and what it doesn't solve.
@bryanjbusch client's page didn't even have a title. wtf. now, it's becoming a mission.
yep. i was watching the videos on the stie and that's a quote from it.


Evan Williams veen Mr Messina Gene Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Dave Winer Victor Lombardi Jason DeBoer-Moran Kevin Cheng Tantek Çelik Lee LeFever Derek Featherstone Tom Coates Garrett Dimon Dan Rubin erin beep giovanni Bryan J Busch Kraemer Hugh MacLeod Andy Polaine taulpaul elliott Stephen Anderson Jess McMullin Rashmi Sinha MoJoe erik Adaptive Path Jorge Arango Sean brandon schauer Prentiss Riddle Greg Swan
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