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@GeekLad agreed on both counts. Thanks for the Twitter link! Who're you rooting for for the Heisman? Though Tebow's got it locked, IMHO.
Finally, a Twitter gadget for Gmail- Found it thanks to Mashable, may never leave Gmail again!
@akalsey Good to know! I always knew IMified was useful, but never really figured out how to use it. Time to give it another shot. Thanks!
@GeekLad The Heisman system seems ridiculous without Graham Harrell. He's too good not to get invited, in my opinion.
Question for the masses- is there a way to tweet from IM? I want a Twitter IM bot, like IMified. Am I missing one, or does it not exist?
@cvillesocial I was just thinking the same thing about you guys. Can't believe I didn't know about it already!
I may never study without this again-
Monopoly for the iPhone? FINALLY. Why not just use RTM gadgets?
@sleepfm My pleasure! Loving, can't wait for all the new features!
I am a man, and I enjoyed the Twilight movie. There. I said it.
Just started using PeopleBrowser, and may never leave. HUGE fan of the Alpha-
Why is it that Feedburner seems to be down more often that it's up? I hope it's just me, but for such a great product, downtime is killer.
I'm having my first last day of classes for the semester. Somehow, it always feels anticlimatic.
Using Feedalizr for Twitter, Facebook, FF, and others. Liking it, but the setup process was a bit of a pain. What do you guys use?
I'll be honest: with one exception (twirhl), Adobe AIR doesn't do it for me. Maybe I don't get it, but I don't see the need.
Interesting Take on the browser wars- I think Firefox has to win, but Chrome's nipping on their heels.
It's amazing how quickly I go from productive, getting things done, to a total waste of space. Trying to get back to work
My latest MuO post, about Business Cards 2.0-
New Gearfire post, about Lists of 100-


MakeUseOf Jeremiah hotdogsladies Erin Pettigrew Barack Obama Gina Trapani Remember The Milk Alex Iskold Diigo Kevin Cawley timer Ruud Hein mr. gcal Weird News Jeff Morin Tim Watson adaptiveblue Joel Falconer toodledo vitalist nickcernis ChaCha rtm1 Kyle Judkins Skoobit sleepfm cvillesocial Leo Babauta GeekLad webnoter nontheist dvmreleqleql