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We played some yahoo games tonight for first time in months perhaps years. Even won at poker for a change, pity it's not real money :)
@cloudsteph Thanks for sharing. That will be handier than for many cases. Such a simple idea - why do I never think of them? :)
@mish_foxfearer having to learn off doctypes for no good reason *grumble grumble grumble* good luck!
@DRB You can't mean my dead blog!? :) Writing is not my forte I'm afraid! Reading the Code Igniter book now, found Learning jQuery useful
@micheleneylon I'm on LinkedIn but I don't actively use it - just add connections occasionally etc
@DRB thanks for the follow David. We have a few Packt books on our shelves :)
@mish_foxfearer Nope, I use the bookmarklet to shorten urls + it worked. Give it a go, just drag the link to your links bar
@mish_foxfearer your link did not work for me - try this if it works for you:
@cloudsteph shame. I asked my sister and she suggested and (Irish but can be dear)
@cloudsteph are reliable, but they charge £3 p&p to ireland, prices can be hit + miss. Let us know the best suggestion :)
Reconfiguring MySQL 5 instance on XP somehow knocked out MySQL in PHP5. Had to add extensions dir to classpath again + restart. Relief!
RIP Oliver Postgate, creator of my favourite big furry cat puss, Bagpuss
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
Building a website with horizontal scrolling. Regardless of http://www.thehorizontalway... it still feels wrong!
@iia There is an official gmail widget now too, but i find the firefox extension better. I'm still searching for a better twitter icon :)
@iia Remember The Milk, specifically their Firefox Gmail extension. Been using it for a few weeks now, no idea how I ever coped before!
@thepanda well if you're not, there's no hope for the rest of us! :) delighted to hear it's going so well for you :)


David Barnes Drew McLellan Ryan Carson Cameron Moll Eoghan McCabe Damien Mulley Eric A. Meyer John Resig Stewart Curry John Breslin Elliott Kember Gordon Murray Remember The Milk Darragh Doyle Jason Roe Matt Cutts Chris Shiflett Anthony Mc Guinness Markham Des Traynor Eamon Leonard ExpressionEngine Shane Killian Louise Brogan EllisLab Levi Figueira Peter McKenna Dave Davis (RedFly) aislingb 24ways alanorourke Sabrina Dent Frank Prendergast Michele Neylon Cormac Kelly benscratch