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"Congressman Payne has paid special attention to a number of issues including the welfare of children, the state of our environment, and the health of our nation."
For Immediate Release
June 22, 2001
Contact: Kerry McKenney
(202) 225-3436

Congressman Donald Payne Arrested Protesting Tragedy in Sudan

Congressman Donald Payne, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, who serves as ranking member of the House International Relations Subcommittee on Africa, was recently arrested during a demonstration at the Sudan Embassy to protest slavery and genocide in Sudan. Also arrested was John Eibner, Director of Christian Solidarity International's (CSI) anti-slavery program and Dr. Barbara A. Reynolds, author, radio talk show host and syndicated columnist.

Payne, a founder and co-chair of the Sudan Caucus in Congress, was handcuffed upon his arrest and held in prison under deplorable conditions for 11 hours before being released. He has long been a crusader for an end to the tragedy in Sudan. Reaffirming his continued strong commitment to protecting human rights, Payne said, "Slave raids by the armed forces of Sudan's Khartoum government are being used to gain control of southern oil fields. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Sudan Peace Act with a provision for capital market sanctions against oil companies operating in Sudan. We will continue pressuring this government until genocide is ended and there is a resolution of these crimes against humanity." 

Dr. Reynolds called on Americans of conscience to stand up and speak out on behalf of people being enslaved and killed in Sudan's genocidal war.

In recent months, Walter Fauntroy, former U.S. Representative and chair of the Sudan Campaign, Joe Madison, human rights activist and national director of the Sudan Campaign and Michael Horowitz, Hudson Institute fellow were arrested for handcuffing themselves to the Sudan Embassy in an anti-slavery demonstration. Renowned attorney Johnnie Cochran, one of the attorneys who represented the demonstrators in D.C. Superior Court, said, "These vigorous protests and demonstrations conducted by Horowitz, Madison, Fauntroy, Dick Gregory, and others demand justice for the humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan."

Many prominent individuals have stepped forward to advise the Sudan Campaign, including Representatives Sam Brownback, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Gregory Meeks, Charlie Rangel, Joseph Pitts, and Frank R. Wolf.

For nearly half a century, Sudan has been involved in a civil war being fought between the Sudanese government's army and the largest armed opposition force, the Sudan People's Liberation Army. According to interviews, the slave raids by the armed forces of the government of Sudan in the south are a tool being used to gain control over the southern oil fields. To exacerbate the situation, the Sudanese government imposed a ban on UN relief flights to the area, which puts 3 million people at risk of starvation.