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10th District New Jersey  Essex County | Hudson County | Union County

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"Congressman Payne has paid special attention to a number of issues including the welfare of children, the state of our environment, and the health of our nation."
For Immediate Release
July 2, 2002
Contact: Kerry McKenney
(202) 225-3436

Congressman Donald M. Payne Receives 100% Rating from the League of Conservation Voters
Congressman Donald M. Payne (D-NJ) has received a 100 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) for his pro-environment voting record.  The LCV, a leading political organization dedicated to shaping a pro-environment Congress, tracks the votes of Representatives on several different environment related issues.   These issues include Fast Track international trade negotiating, conservation of farmland, the national energy plan, the protection of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and many others.  This score reflects the Congressman’s continued commitment to issues that affect and are important to his constituents in the 10th District of New Jersey.  
Each year, LCV produces a scorecard that is used to keep track of the votes of all Members of Congress.  The scorecard marks each Member’s votes as either for or against the continued conservation of the environment.  According to the scorecard, Congressman Payne has voted in support of the pro-environment action on every one of fourteen votes.  

“This rating from the League of Conservation Voters is important to me as I continue my commitment to the environment and my advocacy for the well-being of my constituents,” said Congressman Payne. 

If you would like to view the League of Conservation Voters scorecard for Congressman Donald M. Payne, you can visit their website at Congressman Payne's LCV Scorecard .