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@detroitvoice see my blog post w/photo about GMAC still having fancy offsite breakfasts.
Watch the film Penn Central made to beg for fed $ @
@flipgonzo don't be surprised. BofA kicked about 12,000 folks to curb when it bought Fleet 4 yrs ago (me among them)
@hyermish I'm up for it. Let's calendar a lunch or coffee break over next week or so.
@ckieff Oh yes, quite wet down here.
Consider also continued egregious behavior in the financial services industry. Taxpayer money lets them eat cake.
Penn Central 1974 - the Movie -- is now at Lubetkn's Other Blog for your viewing pleasure.
Good to see @hyermish at South Jersey Chamber event tonight.
Watching 'Penn Central 1974 - Movie used to convince Congress to provide loans to bankrupt...' at Vodpod
President of Stockton College first college pres elected chair of S. Jsy Chamber of Commerce
@hyermish I am leaving for the party now. See you there.
Our newest podcast for Jewish Family & Children's Service - Coping with Cancer through Spirituality. Hope it helps.
Anyone going to the South Jersey Chamber holiday party tonight?
In which I expound on how Conrail provides a useful example of successful government intervention.
@jgraziani did past presidents say anything good?
@MAGIXblog Need the ability to export recurring timers from Web Radio Recorder, import into pgm on other pc.. U need 2 follow me or can't DM
@ckrewson A real pleasure to get to break bread witcha.
@GinaRubel Hi, Gina. I'm starting to like TweetDeck. Has some good bells & whistles.
@caffination It's like that feature on NPR, What's the New What? SL is the old what. And no one listened to my rant about sovereign ceiling.


Wayne Sutton Chaitanya Sagar Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Alex Hillman Dean Landsman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Bill Palmer Dan York Jim Long Paul Hyland Philip Campbell  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Sandy giovanni neville Baher Al Hakim Jeremiah neovids Kami Huyse Ike Pigott Tac Anderson Greg Hollingsworth Tod Julia Roy Lan Bui Simon Dickson Colin Birch Todd Defren Mark Jones Linda Mills Jimmy
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