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MAJOR breakthrough: Just ate a ton of garlic with no indigestion or gas. This is HUGE for me! I think the liver flush may have done this.
@CathLawson Yep, I feel much better today! About to go in for final colonic this afternoon. Then have to decide when to do next flush. ;)
@laughingsquid I've had so many problems with Feedburner's erratic email delivery that I'm switching everything to Aweber:
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AHHH! Long story. We broke auto_increment on the WP post table. WP wrote the SQL query to the web logs. @floatingatoll was able to recover.
Crap. They are both gone. @floatingatoll dug through the MySQL database and found a bug. Wholly depressed now.
Oh dammit, it ate the post I wrote LAST night too! That's at least an hour of work down the drain. !(#&@(*&!!!!
Oh my gosh! I just hit "Save" in a post I had completed on my blog, and now it's GONE! Wordpress deleted the entire post! *jaw drops*
There has been massive interest in me writing a blog post about my liver flush experience, so I will do that. 65 stones in total passed.
@eqkaspian I didn't do the parasite or kidney cleanse yet; I have some Clarkia and will probably do that this month before my next flush.
Really want to write a blog post about my liver flush, but still not feeling 100%. Going to try to write anyway.
@PaceSmith Hi Pace! What I flushed are gallstones, which are also commonly found in the liver. They are bright green.
@missrogue Try for coupons. They even have a Firefox toolbar. I check them before making any online purchase.
I have now passed over 50 stones and feel like going back to bed.
Well, I'll be damned. Out came some stones! (Note: They are really obvious!) And I feel a lot better, though I think there are more to come.
@jmcminn It was intuitive. I would like to be able to eat spicy foods, garlic, and onions. Also, it supposedly eliminates allergies.
@stevenporcaro The liver flush is a procedure. Alleviates allergies & stomach probs. Here is the cleanse I am following:
Liver flush update: Spent most of night sleeping lightly w/nausea. Ran small fever w/cold sweats this morning. Drinking juice to calm down.
Last 24 hours of liver flush! Requires me to fast through the morning & drink only water + strange juice/olive oil combo.


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