Month In Review - October 2003

About the Month in Review

The Month in Review is a comprehensive list of all reports, testimony, correspondence, and other publications issued by GAO during the previous month, grouped according to subject categories.

Top 10 list of significant work made publicly available in the last month

Business, Industry, and Consumers

Business-Owned Life Insurance: Preliminary Observations on Uses, Prevalence, and Regulatory Oversight. GAO-04-191T, October 23, 2003 (14 pages).

Insurance Regulation: Common Standards and Improved Coordination Needed to Strengthen Market Regulation. GAO-03-433, September 30, 2003 (48 pages).

Small and Disadvantaged Businesses: Some Agencies' Advocates Do Not Report to the Required Management Level. GAO-03-863, September 4, 2003 (79 pages).

Telecommunications: Issues Related to Competition and Subscriber Rates in the Cable Television Industry. GAO-04-8, October 24, 2003 (88 pages).

Civil Rights

Indian Issues: Spokane Tribe's Additional Compensation Claim for the Grand Coulee Dam. GAO-04-125T, October 2, 2003 (9 pages).

Protection and Advocacy Agencies: Involvement in Deinstitutionalization Lawsuits on Behalf of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. GAO-03-1044, September 30, 2003 (30 pages).

Senior Executive Service: Enhanced Agency Efforts Needed to Improve Diversity as the Senior Corps Turns Over. GAO-04-123T, October 15, 2003 (12 pages).

U.S Postal Service: Data on Career Employee Diversity. GAO-03-745R, September 15, 2003 (84 pages).

Economic Development

Catastrophe Insurance Risks: Status of Efforts to Securitize Natural Catastrophe and Terrorism Risk. GAO-03-1033, September 24, 2003 (71 pages).

Community and Economic Development Loans: Securitization Faces Significant Barriers. GAO-04-21, October 17, 2003 (66 pages).


Distance Education: Challenges for Minority Serving Institutions and Implications for Federal Education Policy. GAO-04-78T, October 6, 2003 (17 pages).

Distance Education: More Data Could Improve Education's Ability to Track Technology at Minority Serving Institutions. GAO-03-900, September 12, 2003 (56 pages).

Federal Student Aid: Expanding Eligibility for Less Than Halftime Students Could Increase Program Costs, But Benefits Uncertain. GAO-03-905, September 10, 2003 (52 pages).

Head Start: Increased Percentage of Teachers Nationwide Have Required Degrees, but Better Information on Classroom Teachers' Qualifications Needed. GAO-04-5, October 1, 2003 (35 pages).

Public Schools: Comparison of Achievement Results for Students Attending Privately Managed and Traditional Schools in Six Cities. GAO-04-62, October 29, 2003 (56 pages).


H-1B Foreign Workers: Better Tracking Needed to Help Determine H-1B Program's Effects on U.S. Workforce. GAO-03-883, September 10, 2003 (46 pages).

Mine Safety: MSHA Devotes Substantial Effort to Ensuring the Safety and Health of Coal Miners, but Its Programs Could Be Strengthened. GAO-03-945, September 5, 2003 (51 pages).

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act: Revising the Act and Educational Materials Could Clarify Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights. GAO-03-1003, September 19, 2003 (40 pages).

Environmental Protection

Clean Air Act: New Source Review Revisions Could Affect Utility Enforcement Cases and Public Access to Emissions Data. GAO-04-58, October 21, 2003 (32 pages).

Climate Change: Preliminary Observations on the Administration's February 2002 Climate Initiative. GAO-04-131T, October 1, 2003 (9 pages).

Grants Management: EPA Needs to Strengthen Oversight and Enhance Accountability to Address Persistent Challenges. GAO-04-122T, October 1, 2003 (15 pages).

Financial Institutions

Bank Tying: Additional Steps Needed to Ensure Effective Enforcement of Tying Prohibitions. GAO-04-3, October 10, 2003 (56 pages).

Bank Tying: Additional Steps Needed to Ensure Effective Enforcement of Tying Prohibitions. GAO-04-4, October 10, 2003 (56 pages).

Securities Exchange Act: Review of Reporting Under Section 10A. GAO-03-982R, September 3, 2003 (9 pages).

Financial Management

Benefit System Requirements: Checklist for Reviewing Systems under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act. GAO-04-22G, October 1, 2003 (113 pages).

Breast Cancer Research Stamp: Effective Fund-Raiser but Better Reporting and Cost-Recovery Criteria Needed. GAO-03-1021, September 30, 2003 (51 pages).

Capacity Building: Section 4 Program Has Expanded and Evolved. GAO-03-975, September 15, 2003 (30 pages).

Debt Collection: Opportunities Exist for Improving FMS's Cross-Servicing Program.
, October 31, 2003 (47 pages).

Farmer Mac: Some Progress Made, but Greater Attention to Risk Management, Mission, and Corporate Governance Is Needed. GAO-04-116, October 16, 2003 (115 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Report for the National Conference on Citizenship for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2001. GAO-04-68R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the Boy Scouts of America for 2002. GAO-04-64R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the Italian American War Veterans of the United States for Fiscal Years 2000-2002.
, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the Marine Corps League for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2001. GAO-04-66R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the National Conference of State Societies, Washington, District of Columbia, for Fiscal Years 2001 and 2000. GAO-04-67R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation for 2002 and 2001. GAO-04-24R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the National Federation of Music Clubs for Fiscal Year 2002. GAO-04-25R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the National Ski Patrol System, Incorporated, for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2001.
GAO-04-26R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the Navy Club of the United States of America for Fiscal Years 2002 and 2001.
GAO-04-27R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Federally Chartered Corporation: Review of the Financial Statement Audit Reports for the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association for Fiscal Year 2002. GAO-04-28R, October 10, 2003 (2 pages).

Financial Audit Manual: Checklist for Reports Prepared Under the CFO Act--Revised 2003 Exposure Draft. GAO-04-44G, October 1, 2003 (224 pages).

Financial Audit: Process for Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements of the U.S. Government Needs Improvement. GAO-04-45, October 30, 2003 (44 pages).

Financial Management: Recurring Financial Systems Problems Hinder FFMIA Compliance. GAO-04-209T, October 29, 2003 (29 pages).

Financial Management: Status of the Government Efforts to Address Improper Payment Problems. GAO-04-99, October 17, 2003 (35 pages).

Financial Management: Sustained Efforts Needed to Achieve FFMIA Accountability.
GAO-03-1062, September 30, 2003 (70 pages).

Local TV Act: Progress Made, but Timeliness and Cost Accounting Issues Need to be Addressed. GAO-04-134, October 31, 2003 (16 pages).

U.S. Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center: Claims Payment Process Was Functioning Effectively, but Additional Controls Are Needed to Reduce the Risk of Improper Payments. GAO-04-114R, October 3, 2003 (39 pages).

Government Operations

Contract Management: No Reliable Data to Measure Benefits of the Simplified Acquisition Test Program. GAO-03-1068, September 30, 2003 (10 pages).

Contract Management: Restructuring GSA's Federal Supply Service and Federal Technology Service. GAO-04-132T, October 2, 2003 (8 pages).

Electronic Rulemaking: Efforts to Facilitate Public Participation Can Be Improved.
GAO-03-901, September 17, 2003 (42 pages).

Federal Real Property: Actions Needed to Address Long-standing and Complex Problems. GAO-04-119T, October 1, 2003 (28 pages).

Government Printing Office: Advancing GPO's Transformation Effort through Strategic Human Capital Management. GAO-04-85, October 20, 2003 (37 pages).

Human Capital: Insights for U.S. Agencies from Other Countries' Succession Planning and Management Initiatives. GAO-03-914, September 15, 2003 (24 pages).

Human Capital: Succession Planning and Management Is Critical Driver of Organizational Transformation. GAO-04-127T, October 1, 2003 (8 pages).

Inspectors General: Enhancing Federal Accountability. GAO-04-117T, October 8, 2003 (23 pages).

Questions for Competitive Sourcing Hearing Record. GAO-04-155R, October 3, 2003
(4 pages).

Regulatory Takings: Implementation of Executive Order on Government Actions Affecting Private Property Use. GAO-03-1015, September 19, 2003 (42 pages).

Rulemaking: OMB's Role in Reviews of Agencies' Draft Rules and the Transparency of Those Reviews. GAO-03-929, September 22, 2003 (216 pages).


Bioterrorism: Public Health Response to Anthrax Incidents of 2001. GAO-04-152, October 15, 2003 (43 pages).

Medical Malpractice Insurance: Multiple Factors Have Contributed to Premium Rate Increases. GAO-04-128T, October 1, 2003 (17 pages).

Medicare Appeals: Disparity between Requirements and Responsible Agencies' Capabilities. GAO-03-841, September 29, 2003 (45 pages).

Medicare: Discrepancy in Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Methodology Leads to Inaccurate Beneficiary Copayments and Medicate Payments. GAO-04-103R, October 6, 2003 (16 pages).

Medicare: Most Beneficiaries Receive Some but Not All Recommended Preventive Services. GAO-03-958, September 8, 2003 (37 pages).

Prescription Drugs: State and Federal Oversight of Drug Compounding by Pharmacies. GAO-04-195T, October 23, 2003 (13 pages).

Private Health Insurance: Federal and State Requirements Affecting Coverage Offered by Small Business. GAO-03-1133, September 30, 2003 (57 pages).

Specialty Hospitals: Geographic Location, Services Provided, and Financial Performance. GAO-04-167, October 22, 2003 (35 pages).

Homeland Security

Combating Bioterrorism: Actions Needed to Improve Security at Plum Island Animal Disease Center. GAO-03-847, September 19, 2003 (46 pages).

Homeland Security: Overstay Tracking Is a Key Component of a Layered Defense.
GAO-04-170T, October 16, 2003 (21 pages).

Security: Counterfeit Identification Raises Homeland Security Concerns. GAO-04-133T, October 1, 2003 (3 pages).

September 11: Overview of Federal Disaster Assistance to the New York City Area.
, October 31, 2003 (103 pages).

U.S. Postal Service: Clear Communication with Employees Needed before Reopening the Brentwood Facility. GAO-04-205T, October 23, 2003 (21 pages).

Income Security

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Long-Term Financing Risks to Single-Employer Insurance Program Highlight Need for Comprehensive Reform. GAO-04-150T, October 14, 2003 (40 pages).

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Single-Employer Pension Insurance Program Faces Significant Long-Term Risks. GAO-04-90, October 29, 2003 (54 pages).

Private Pensions: Changing Funding Rules and Enhancing Incentives Can Improve Plan Funding. GAO-04-176T, October 29, 2003 (21 pages).

Information Management

Coast Guard: New Communication System to Support Search and Rescue Faces Challenges. GAO-03-1111, September 30, 2003 (30 pages).

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges in Securing Control Systems.
GAO-04-140T, October 1, 2003 (25 pages).

Electronic Government: Planned e-Authentication Gateway Faces Formidable Development Challenges. GAO-03-952, September 12, 2003 (34 pages).

Posthearing Questions from the September 10, 2003, Hearing on Worm and Virus Defense: How Can We Protect Our Nation's Computers From These Serious Threats?. GAO-04-173R, October 17, 2003 (3 pages).

International Affairs

Foreign Assistance: USAID's Operating Expense Account Does Not Fully Reflect the Cost of Delivering Foreign Assistance. GAO-03-1152R, September 30, 2003 (21 pages).

World Trade Organization: Ensuring China's Compliance Requires a Sustained and Multifaceted Approach. GAO-04-172T, October 30, 2003 (12 pages).

Justice and Law Enforcement

Combating Money Laundering: Opportunities Exist to Improve the National Strategy.
GAO-03-813, September 26, 2003 (77 pages).

Federal Drug Offenses: Departures from Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimum Sentences, Fiscal Years 1999-2001. GAO-04-105, October 24, 2003 (81 pages).

Immigration Benefits: Tenth Report Required by the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act of 1998. GAO-04-189R, October 17, 2003 (4 pages).

Information Generally Not Available on Toy Gun Issues Related to Crime, Injuries or Deaths, and Long-Term Impact. GAO-03-1135R, September 30, 2003 (14 pages).

Justice Outcome Evaluations: Design and Implementation of Studies Require More NIJ Attention. GAO-03-1091, September 24, 2003 (56 pages).

Regulatory Takings: Agency Compliance with Executive Order on Government Actions Affecting Private Property Use. GAO-04-120T, October 16, 2003 (13 pages).

National Defense

Chemical Weapons: Better Management Tools Needed to Guide DOD's Stockpile Destruction Program. GAO-04-221T, October 30, 2003 (14 pages).

Combating Terrorism: Improvements Needed in European Command's Antiterrorism Approach for In-Transit Forces at Seaports. GAO-03-731NI, September 26, 2003
(38 pages).

DOD Excess Property: Risk Assessment Needed on Public Sales of Equipment That Could Be Used to Make Biological Agents. GAO-04-81TNI, October 7, 2003 (36 pages).

Defense Acquisitions: Despite Restructuring, SBIRS High Program Remains at Risk of Cost and Schedule Overruns. GAO-04-48, October 31, 2003 (32 pages).

Defense Health Care: DOD Needs to Improve Force Health Protection and Surveillance Processes. GAO-04-158T, October 16, 2003 (24 pages).

Defense Health Care: TRICARE Claims Processing Has Improved but Inefficiencies Remain. GAO-04-69, October 15, 2003 (33 pages).

Foreign Military Sales: Air Force Does Not Use Controls to Prevent Spare Parts Containing Sensitive Military Technology from Being Released to Foreign Countries.
, September 10, 2003 (7 pages).

Military Aircraft: Institute for Defense Analyses Purchase Price Estimate for the Air Force's Aerial Refueling Aircraft Leasing Proposal. GAO-04-164R, October 14, 2003
(9 pages).

Military Aircraft: Observations on DOD's Aerial Refueling Aircraft Acquisition Options. GAO-04-169R, October 14, 2003 (17 pages).

Military Housing: Better Reporting Needed on the Status of the Privatization Program and the Costs of Its Consultants. GAO-04-111, October 9, 2003 (20 pages).

Military Personnel: DFAS Has Not Met All Information Technology Requirements for Its New Pay System. GAO-04-149R, October 20, 2003 (9 pages).

Military Training: Implementation Strategy Needed to Increase Interagency Management for Endangered Species Affecting Training Ranges. GAO-03-976, September 29, 2003 (41 pages).

Natural Resources

Forest Service: Information on Appeals and Litigation Involving Fuels Reduction Activities. GAO-04-52, October 24, 2003 (95 pages).

National Wildlife Refuges: Improvement Needed in the Management and Oversight of Oil and Gas Activities on Federal Lands. GAO-04-192T, October 30, 2003 (11 pages).

Natural Gas: Domestic Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Depends on Natural Gas Availability and Prices. GAO-03-1148, September 30, 2003 (26 pages).

Science, Space, and Technology

NASA: Shuttle Fleet's Safe Return to Flight Is Key to Space Station Progress.
GAO-04-201T, October 29, 2003 (11 pages).

Space Station: Impact of the Grounding of the Shuttle Fleet. GAO-03-1107, September 12, 2003 (22 pages).

Social Services

Social Security Administration: Actions Taken to Strengthen Procedures for Issuing Social Security Numbers to Noncitizens, but Some Weaknesses Remain. GAO-04-12, October 15, 2003 (35 pages).

Tax Policy and Administration

Earned Income Credit: Qualifying Child Certification Test Appears Justified, but Evaluation Plan Is Incomplete. GAO-03-794, September 30, 2003 (70 pages).

Internal Revenue Service: Challenges Remain in Combating Abusive Tax Shelters.
GAO-04-104T, October 21, 2003 (28 pages).

Tax Administration: IRS's 2003 Filing Season Performance Showed Improvements.
, October 31, 2003 (45 pages).

Tax Administration: Information Is Not Available to Determine Whether $5 Billion in Liberty Zone Tax Benefits Will Be Realized. GAO-03-1102, September 30, 2003
(15 pages).


Air Traffic Control: FAA's Modernization Efforts--Past, Present, and Future.
GAO-04-227T, October 30, 2003 (21 pages).

Aviation Assistance: Information on Payments Made Under the Disaster Relief and Insurance Reimbursement Programs. GAO-03-1156R, September 17, 2003 (39 pages).

Aviation Safety: Advancements Being Pursued to Improve Airliner Cabin Occupant Safety and Health. GAO-04-33, October 3, 2003 (119 pages).

Legal Products: Decisions and Opinions

Admiral Towing and Barge Company. B-291849, B-291849.2, March 6,
2003 (4 pages).

American Artisan Productions, Inc.. B-292559, B-292559.2, October 7, 2003 (8 pages).

Americom Government Services, Inc.. B-292242, August 1, 2003 (5 pages).

Beautify Professional Services Corporation. B-291954.3, October 6, 2003 (5 pages).

CAMS Inc.. B-292546, October 14, 2003 (4 pages).

Cybernet Systems Corporation. B-292600, September 30, 2003 (3 pages).

Daston Corporation. B-292583, B-292583.2, October 20, 2003 (3 pages).

DataTrak Consulting, Inc.. B-292502, B-292502.2, B-292503, B-292503.2, September 26, 2003 (5 pages).

Department of the Air Force--Purchase of Decals for Installation on Public Utility Water Tower. B-301367, October 23, 2003 (4 pages).

Efficiency Management & Engineering Company; Norcor Technologies Corporation.
B-292676, B-292676.2, October 31, 2003 (6 pages).

Enola-Caddell JV. B-292387.2, B-292387.4, September 12, 2003 (6 pages).

GTSI Corp.. B-292298, B-292298.2, B-292298.3, August 14, 2003 (6 pages).

Global Engineering & Construction, LLC. B-290288.3, B-290288.4, April 3, 2003
(6 pages).

Global Solutions Network, Inc.. B-292568, October 3, 2003 (4 pages).

Leach Management Consulting Corporation. B-292493.2, October 3, 2003 (5 pages).

NVT Technologies, Inc.. B-292302.3, October 20, 2003 (4 pages).

National Weather Service--Georgia 911 Charge. B-301126, October 22, 2003 (4 pages).

Preferred Systems Solutions, Inc.. B-292322, B-292322.2, B-292322.3, August 25, 2003 (11 pages).

R&D Maintenance Services, Inc.. B-292342, August 22, 2003 (4 pages).

Ronald W. Brown. B-292646, September 30, 2003 (2 pages).

Roy Anderson Corporation. B-292555, B-292555.2, October 10, 2003 (4 pages).

Scot, Incorporated. B-292580, October 3, 2003 (6 pages).

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. B-292476, October 1, 2003 (9 pages).

Strand Hunt Construction, Inc.. B-292415, September 9, 2003 (4 pages).

T Square Logistics Services Corporation. B-291851, April 15, 2003 (6 pages).

The November Group, Inc.. B-292483, September 30, 2003 (5 pages).

Weeks Marine, Inc.. B-292758, October 16, 2003 (6 pages).

Zarc International, Inc.. B-292708, October 3, 2003 (2 pages).

Legal Products: Federal Agency Major Rules

Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: Prior Notice of Imported Food Under the Public Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. GAO-04-194R, October 23, 2003 (3 pages).

Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: Registration of Food Facilities Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. GAO-04-193R, October 23, 2003 (4 pages).

Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting; Final Frameworks for Late-Season Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations. GAO-04-130R, October 9, 2003 (4 pages).

Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting; Late Seasons and Bag and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds.
GAO-04-136R, October 8, 2003 (4 pages).

Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service: Migratory Bird Hunting; Regulations on Certain Federal Indian Reservations and Ceded Lands for the 2003-04 Late Season. GAO-04-137R, October 8, 2003 (4 pages).

Office of Personnel Management: Health Insurance Premium Conversion.
GAO-04-168R, October 20, 2003 (4 pages).

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