Month In Review January 2004

About the Month in Review

The Month in Review is a comprehensive list of all reports, testimony, correspondence, and other publications issued by GAO during the previous month, grouped according to subject categories.

Top 10 list of significant work made publicly available in the last month

Budget and Spending

Budget Issues: Agency Implementation of Capital Planning Principles Is Mixed.
GAO-04-138, January 16, 2004 (154 pages).

Performance Budgeting: Observations on the Use of OMB's Program Assessment Rating Tool for the Fiscal Year 2004 Budget. GAO-04-174, January 30, 2004 (67 pages).

Environmental Protection

Climate Change: Selected Nations' Reports on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Varied in Their Adherence to Standards. GAO-04-98, December 23, 2003 (29 pages).

Military Munitions: DOD Needs to Develop a Comprehensive Approach for Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites. GAO-04-147, December 19, 2003 (30 pages).

Financial Management

Acquisition/Financial Systems Interface Requirements: Checklist for Reviewing Systems under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (Exposure Draft).
, December 1, 2003 (92 pages).

Immigration Application Fees: Current Fees Are Not Sufficient to Fund U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' Operations. GAO-04-309R, January 5, 2004 (51 pages).

Military Pay: Army National Guard Personnel Mobilized to Active Duty Experienced Significant Pay Problems. GAO-04-413T, January 28, 2004 (30 pages).

Mutual Funds: Additional Disclosures Could Increase Transparency of Fees and Other Practices. GAO-04-317T, January 27, 2004 (19 pages).

U.S. Coast Guard National Pollution Funds Center: Improvements Are Needed in Internal Control Over Disbursements. GAO-04-340R, January 13, 2004 (55 pages).

Government Operations

2010 Census: Cost and Design Issues Need to Be Addressed Soon. GAO-04-37,
January 15, 2004 (58 pages).

D.C. Family Court: Progress Has Been Made in Implementing Its Transition. GAO-04-234, January 6, 2004 (60 pages).

Human Capital: Selected Agencies' Experiences and Lessons Learned in Designing Training and Development Programs. GAO-04-291, January 30, 2004 (58 pages).

U.S. Postal Service: Key Elements of Comprehensive Postal Reform. GAO-04-397T, January 28, 2004 (28 pages).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Agency Leadership Taking Steps to Improve Management and Planning, but Challenges Remain. GAO-04-219,
January 30, 2004 (39 pages).

Medicare: Payment Changes Are Needed for Assistants-at-Surgery. GAO-04-97,
January 13, 2004 (28 pages).

Prescription Drugs: OxyContin Abuse and Diversion and Efforts to Address the Problem. GAO-04-110, December 19, 2003 (57 pages).

VA Long-Term Care: Changes In Service Delivery Raise Important Questions.
, January 28, 2004 (15 pages).


Single-Family Housing: Cost, Benefit, and Compliance Issues Raise Questions about HUD's Discount Sales Program. GAO-04-208, January 30, 2004 (46 pages).

Information Management

Information Security: Status of Federal Public Key Infrastructure Activities at Major Federal Departments and Agencies. GAO-04-157, December 15, 2003 (53 pages).

International Affairs

International Trade: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Faces Challenges in Addressing Illegal Textile Transshipment. GAO-04-345, January 23, 2004 (76 pages).

World Trade Organization: Cancun Ministerial Fails to Move Global Trade Negotiations Forward; Next Steps Uncertain. GAO-04-250, January 15, 2004 (49 pages).

National Defense

Defense Acquisitions: Risks Posed by DOD's New Space Systems Acquisition Policy. GAO-04-379R, January 29, 2004 (8 pages).

Defense Management: DOD Needs to Strengthen Internal Controls over Funds Used to Support USO Activities. GAO-04-56, December 5, 2003 (40 pages).

Defense Management: Issues in Contracting for Lodging and Temporary Office Space at MacDill Air Force Base. GAO-04-296, January 27, 2004 (25 pages).

Depot Maintenance: Army Needs Plan to Implement Depot Maintenance Report's Recommendations. GAO-04-220, January 8, 2004 (43 pages).

Posthearing Questions Related to the Department of Defense's Management of the Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction Program. GAO-04-362R, January 5, 2004
(5 pages).

Social Services

Child Welfare: Improved Federal Oversight Could Assist States in Overcoming Key Challenges. GAO-04-418T, January 28, 2004 (25 pages).

Social Security Administration: Strategic Workforce Planning Needed to Address Human Capital Challenges Facing the Disability Determination Services. GAO-04-121,
January 27, 2004 (93 pages).

Supports For Low-Income Families: States Serve a Broad Range of Families through a Complex and Changing System. GAO-04-256, January 26, 2004 (73 pages).

Special Publications

Performance and Accountability Highlights: Fiscal 2003. GAO-04-264SP, January 1, 2004 (51 pages).


Freight Transportation: Strategies Needed to Address Planning and Financing Limitations. GAO-04-165, December 19, 2003 (73 pages).

Legal Products: Decisions and Opinions

ACS Government Services, Inc.. B-293014, January 20, 2004 (9 pages).

Aerotek Scientific, LLC. B-293089, January 23, 2004 (9 pages).

American Fuel Cell & Coated Fabrics Company. B-293001, B-293020, January 12, 2004 (4 pages).

American Ordnance, LLC. B-292847, B-292847.2, B-292847.3, December 5, 2003
(5 pages).

Bevilacqua Research Corporation. B-293051, January 12, 2004 (8 pages).

Career Quest, Inc.. B-292865, B-292865.2, December 10, 2003 (4 pages).

DLH Construction and Trucking Company, Inc.. B-292578, October 10, 2003 (3 pages).

First Enterprise. B-292967, January 7, 2004 (4 pages).

Hines Chicago Investments, LLC. B-292984, December 17, 2003 (4 pages).

Islandwide Landscaping, Inc.. B-293018, December 24, 2003 (3 pages).

J.C.N. Construction Company, Inc.. B-293063, January 9, 2004 (4 pages).

KMR, LLC. B-292860, December 22, 2003 (5 pages).

Kilgore Flares Company. B-292944, B-292944.2, B-292944.3, December 24, 2003
(8 pages).

Language Service Associates, Inc.. B-293041, December 22, 2003 (6 pages).

Locus Technology, Inc.. B-293012, January 16, 2004 (5 pages).

ManTech Environmental Research Services Corporation. B-292602, B-292602.2,
October 21, 2003 (6 pages).

Marine Hydraulics International, Inc.. B-291594.3, October 3, 2003 (7 pages).

Reconsideration of District of Columbia 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System Surcharge and Effect of New Amendments. B-302230, December 30, 2003 (11 pages).

SBA's Imposition of Oversight Review Fees on PLP Lenders. B-300248, January 15, 2004 (9 pages).

Si-Nor, Inc.. B-292748.2, B-292748.3, B-292748.4, January 7, 2004 (14 pages).

U.S. Facilities, Inc.. B-293029, B-293029.2, January 16, 2004 (12 pages).

Legal Products: Federal Agency Major Rules

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Program; Changes to Medicare Payment for Drugs and Physician Fee Schedule Payments for Calendar Year 2004. GAO-04-373R, January 15, 2004 (4 pages).

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Program; Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System; Payment Reform for Calendar Year 2004. GAO-04-369R, January 15, 2004 (4 pages).

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Program; Notice of One-Time Appeal Process for Hospital Wage Index Classification. GAO-04-368R, January 15, 2004 (4 pages).

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid: Medicare Program; Medicare Prescription Drug Discount Card. GAO-04-347R, December 22, 2003 (4 pages).

Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection: Required Advance Electronic Presentation of Cargo Information. GAO-04-319R, December 18, 2003 (4 pages).

Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration: Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Integrity Management in High Consequence Areas (Gas Transmission Pipelines). GAO-04-351R, December 22, 2003 (4 pages).

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Nelligan, Managing Director of Public Affairs at (202)512-4800 or via email at

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