NASA: Compliance with Cost Limits

GAO-04-648R April 2, 2004
Full Report (PDF, 14 pages)   Accessible Text


Section 202 of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Authorization Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-391) requires that GAO verify NASA's accounting for amounts obligated against established limits for the space station and related space shuttle support. Under the act, obligations are limited to $25 billion for the space station and $17.7 billion for shuttle support.

In the past, we reported that NASA was unable to provide detailed support for the amounts obligated against the limits. Thus, we could not verify the amounts NASA reported to Congress in its fiscal year 2002 through 2004 budget requests. NASA did not report obligations to date against the space station and shuttle cost limits as part of its fiscal year 2005 budget request. As a result, we have no basis for verifying NASA's charges against the limits.