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@xian3000 will try to change 'physical activity' verbiage to 'physical education'. it'll be a massive effort just to change one word.
@xian3000 way behind. Earlier victories diluted with language that counts 'walking to class' towards minimum phys activity requirements.
Texas speaker race is expected to get ugly soon after the holidays
Didn't realize until this morning how far behind Texas is with phys ed requirements.
Hopefully all Texas twits are ready to stand up and let our voices be heard when statewide workplace smoking ban heads to the capitol in '09
Sitting in legislative strategy session in Austin today w/Santos Alliance. Major opportunities to move needles forward this year in Texas.
Still celebrating yesterday's smoking ban victory in Dallas! Nothing's more gratifying than hanging a loss on big tobacco.
@ColonelTribune you can follow Cubbies thru sun-times twitter account. Does the Colonel's employer offer the same?
Bumper Sticker of the day: "If you want more, desire less."
@YoureTheCureTX are we still looking at a 12/10 vote?
@elseash is that merle haggard's hallelujah chorus?
@elseash grandma got run over by a reindeer...
is recovering from Mexico mission trip. Definitely going to be our new family t-giving tradition.
Tod is interviewing lobbyists for smokefree Texas today. The beginning of what's sure to be a long, strange trip.
@conej thanks @conej! you guys did a great job teaching us. can't wait to see how the team drives our mission with socmed tactics.
@elseash sounds like breakfast went well this morning
learned a new term today -- "scraping" #scaheart
what's the best way to monitor socmed buzz going on about you? #scaheart
One thing I learned at our mtg - importance of knowing popular bloggers in your community and cultivating those relationships #scaheart
markcomm brought in lauren vargas, prez of Dallas socmed club to lead their discussion. she is great. #scaheart