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Re-reading Doug Atkin's "The Culting of Brands" while I wait for a meeting to start.
@badlin glad everyone is safe. How's CORO treating you?
@TheSuicideKing that could be it. I haven't played Zelda since before the Thanksgiving break...
@AndruEdwards maybe they fixed the problem using software, but I remember the new OS made the iPhone's battery drain like a leaky sieve.
@SEBGalena it is rather irritating when your eye starts freaking out, but also kind of cool.
@jakemckee @badlin are both coveters of the iPhone version 3. Do you think they'll solve the battery problem between now and then?
@BenVear do you need exchange on your new phone? Not to drink the T-Mo kool aid too deeply here, but if you don't, you might consider the G1
My thumb just did this weird spasm trembly thing. You know, like when your eyebrow twiches? Except it was my thumb...
Hey Tweeps, what mobile phone are you rocking right now? Why did you choose it? What do you like? What do you hate? What's your next phone?
Ted Johnson has an interview he did with Ron Howard at the premiere of Frost/Nixon this morning:
Facebook outsources classified advertising to Oodle: Will ad targeting on other Oodle sites now be in the works?
Retweeting @Rumford: State of Twitterverse Survey: Be heard. Takes 2 minutes. pls retweet. thanks
Retweeting @dsearls: Heard about bluetooth devices stopping or otherwise unintentionally operating cars? Looking for hard evidence.
@mynameiskate birth control is bad enough - but it's any prescription. @zephoria had her ADD medication refused for no apparent reason.
Retweeting @bryanzug: iPhone is at 16.6% of smart phone market. This growth is un-freaking believable. @bbag
If a pharmacist has an objection to filling a prescription, they need to find a different job:
@jasonp107 I was going to recommend that too! Blast!
@mikegermano ahh yes, that all important question of "friendness" which Facebook never seems to keep track of...
Okay, I'm back from my semi-break from the Internet


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