GAO Month in Review December 2005

About the Month in Review

The Month in Review is a comprehensive list of all reports, testimony, correspondence, and other publications issued by GAO during the previous month, grouped according to subject categories.

Top 10 list of significant work made publicly available in the last month

Agriculture and Food

  • Livestock Market Reporting: USDA Has Taken Some Steps to Ensure Quality, but Additional Efforts Are Needed. GAO-06-202, December 9, 2005 (47 pages).
  • Plum Island Animal Disease Center: DHS and USDA Are Successfully Coordinating Current Work, but Long-Term Plans Are Being Assessed. GAO-06-132, December 19, 2005 (48 pages).

Business, Industry, and Consumers

  • Insurance Sector Preparedness: Insurers Appear Prepared to Recover Critical Operations Following Potential Terrorist Attacks, but Some Issues Warrant Further Review. GAO-06-85, November 18, 2005 (37 pages).


  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Education Should Provide Additional Guidance to Help States Smoothly Transition Children to Preschool. GAO-06-26, December 14, 2005 (36 pages).


  • Older Workers: Labor Can Help Employers and Employees Plan Better for the Future. GAO-06-80, December 5, 2005 (54 pages).


  • Natural Gas and Electricity Markets: Federal Government Actions to Improve Private Price Indices and Stakeholder Reaction. GAO-06-275, December 15, 2005 (14 pages).

Environmental Protection

  • Electronic Waste: Strengthening the Role of the Federal Government in Encouraging Recycling and Reuse. GAO-06-47, November 10, 2005 (57 pages).

Financial Management

  • Financial Audit: Restatement to the General Services Administration's Fiscal Year 2003 Financial Statements. GAO-06-70R, December 6, 2005 (13 pages).
  • Financial Audit: Restatements to the National Science Foundation's Fiscal Year 2003 Financial Statements. GAO-06-229R, December 22, 2005 (17 pages).
  • Managerial Cost Accounting Practices: Departments of Education, Transportation, and the Treasury. GAO-06-301R, December 19, 2005 (51 pages).
  • Status of Two Authorities Granted to the Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration. GAO-06-308R, December 21, 2005 (19 pages).

Government Operations

  • Federal Compensation Programs: Perspectives on Four Programs. GAO-06-230, November 18, 2005 (48 pages).
  • U.S. Office of Special Counsel: Selected Contracting and Human Capital Issues. GAO-06-16, November 17, 2005 (29 pages).
  • U.S. Postal Service: Purchasing Changes Seem Promising, but Ombudsman Revisions and Continued Oversight Are Needed. GAO-06-190, December 15, 2005 (53 pages).


  • Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: Differences in Health Care Prices Across Metropolitan Areas Linked to Competition and Other Factors. GAO-06-281T, December 2, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Federal Employees Health Benefits Program: Early Experience with a Consumer-Directed Health Plan. GAO-06-143, November 21, 2005 (22 pages).
  • Medicare and Medicaid Coverage: Therapies and Supplies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. GAO-06-63, December 15, 2005 (60 pages).
  • Medicare: Contingency Plans to Address Potential Problems with the Transition of Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries from Medicaid to Medicare Drug Coverage. GAO-06-278R, December 16, 2005 (46 pages).
  • Prescription Drugs: Enhanced Efforts and Better Agency Coordination Needed to Address Illegal Importation. GAO-06-175T, December 13, 2005 (46 pages).

Homeland Security

  • Homeland Security: DHS Needs to Improve Ethics-Related Management Controls for the Science and Technology Directorate. GAO-06-206, December 22, 2005 (24 pages).


  • Fair Housing: HUD Needs Better Assurance That Intake and Investigation Processes Are Consistently Thorough. GAO-06-79, October 31, 2005 (89 pages).
  • Fair Housing: Annotated Complainant Survey. GAO-06-81SP, October 31, 2005 (29 pages).
  • Project-Based Rental Assistance: HUD Should Streamline Its Processes to Ensure Timely Housing Assistance Payments. GAO-06-57, November 15, 2005 (39 pages).
  • Public Housing: Distressed Conditions in Developments for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and Strategies Used for Improvement. GAO-06-163, December 9, 2005 (47 pages).
  • Survey of Public Housing Agencies on Housing for the Elderly and Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities. GAO-06-205SP, December 9, 2005 (15 pages).

Information Management

  • Information Technology: Responses to Subcommittee Post-Hearing Questions Regarding the FBI's Management Practices and Acquisition of a New Investigative Case Management System. GAO-06-302R, December 21, 2005 (6 pages).
  • Internet Management: Prevalence of False Contact Information for Registered Domain Names. GAO-06-165, November 4, 2005 (47 pages).

International Affairs

  • China Trade: U.S. Exports, Investment, Affiliate Sales Rising, but Export Share Falling. GAO-06-162, December 9, 2005 (69 pages).

Justice and Law Enforcement

  • Immigration Benefits: Improvements Needed to Address Backlogs and Ensure Quality of Adjudications. GAO-06-20, November 21, 2005 (74 pages).

National Defense

  • Best Practices: Better Support of Weapon System Program Managers Needed to Improve Outcomes. GAO-06-110, November 30, 2005 (71 pages).
  • Survey on Program Manager Effectiveness. GAO-06-112SP, November 30, 2005 (1 page).
  • Competitive Sourcing: Health Benefits Cost Comparison Had Minimal Impact, but DOD Needs Uniform Implementation Process. GAO-06-72, December 9, 2005 (39 pages).
  • DOD Systems Modernization: Planned Investment in the Naval Tactical Command Support System Needs to be Reassessed. GAO-06-215, December 5, 2005 (97 pages).
  • DOD Systems Modernization: Uncertain Joint Use and Marginal Expected Value of Military Asset Deployment System Warrant Reassessment of Planned Investment. GAO-06-171, December 15, 2005 (77 pages).
  • Defense Acquisitions: DOD Has Paid Billions in Award and Incentive Fees Regardless of Acquisition Outcomes. GAO-06-66, December 19, 2005 (50 pages).
  • Defense Inventory: Army Needs to Strengthen Internal Controls for Items Shipped to Repair Contractors. GAO-06-209, December 13, 2005 (30 pages).
  • Issues Related to Navy Battleships. GAO-06-279R, December 13, 2005 (17 pages).
  • Military Training: Funding Requests for Joint Urban Operations Training and Facilities Should Be Based on Sound Strategy and Requirements. GAO-06-193, December 8, 2005 (37 pages).
  • Pilot Project to Expand Merchandise Sold in Commissary Stores Will Likely Have a Negligible Impact on the Exchange Dividend. GAO-06-256R, December 22, 2005 (11 pages).
  • Potential Spectrum Interference Associated with Military Land Mobile Radios. GAO-06-172R, December 1, 2005 (9 pages).
  • Stand-Down of Los Alamos National Laboratory: Total Costs Uncertain; Almost All Mission-Critical Programs Were Affected but Have Recovered. GAO-06-83, November 18, 2005 (56 pages).
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems: DOD Needs to More Effectively Promote Interoperability and Improve Performance Assessments. GAO-06-49, December 13, 2005 (35 pages).
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Global Hawk Cost Increase Understated in Nunn-McCurdy Report. GAO-06-222R, December 15, 2005 (10 pages).

Natural Resources

  • Federal Water Requirements: Challenges to Estimating the Cost Impact on Local Communities. GAO-06-151R, November 30, 2005 (39 pages).
  • Hurricane Protection: Statutory and Regulatory Framework for Levee Maintenance and Emergency Response for the Lake Pontchartrain Project. GAO-06-322T, December 15, 2005 (23 pages).

Science, Space, and Technology

  • Telecommunications: Strong Support for Extending FCC's Auction Authority Exists, but Little Agreement on Other Options to Improve Efficient Use of Spectrum. GAO-06-236, December 20, 2005 (34 pages).

Social Services

  • Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Provision of Charitable Assistance. GAO-06-297T, December 13, 2005 (12 pages).
  • Survey of Youth Opportunity Grant Program Directors. GAO-06-56SP, December 9, 2005 (1 page).
  • Youth Opportunity Grants: Lessons Can Be Learned from Program, but Labor Needs to Make Data Available. GAO-06-53, December 9, 2005 (30 pages).


  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: Education and Outreach Programs Target Safety and Consumer Issues, but Gaps in Planning and Evaluation Remain. GAO-06-103, December 19, 2005 (51 pages).
  • Large Truck Safety: Federal Enforcement Efforts Have Been Stronger Since 2000, but Oversight of State Grants Needs Improvement. GAO-06-156, December 15, 2005 (55 pages).

Veterans Affairs

  • Purpose Statute Violation: Veterans Affairs Improperly Funded Certain Cost Comparison Studies with VHA Appropriations. GAO-06-124R, November 30, 2005 (22 pages).
  • Veterans' Benefits: Further Changes in VBA's Field Office Structure Could Help Improve Disability Claims Processing. GAO-06-149, December 9, 2005 (18 pages).
  • Veterans' Disability Benefits: Claims Processing Challenges and Opportunities for Improvements. GAO-06-283T, December 7, 2005 (14 pages).
  • Veterans' Employment and Training Service: Labor Actions Needed to Improve Accountability and Help States Implement Reforms to Veterans' Employment Services. GAO-06-176, December 30, 2005 (56 pages).

Legal Products: Decisions and Opinions

  • Alluviam LLC. B-297280, December 15, 2005 (3 pages).
  • Charter Environmental, Inc.. B-297219, December 5, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board--Membership Fees. B-305095, December 8, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc.. B-296176.2, December 9, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Department of Defense--Transfer and Use of Defense Emergency Response Funds. B-303145, December 7, 2005 (19 pages).
  • EDO Corporation. B-296861, September 28, 2005 (10 pages).
  • Europe Displays, Inc.. B-297099, December 5, 2005 (7 pages).
  • FN Manufacturing, Inc.. B-297172; B-297172.2, December 1, 2005 (14 pages).
  • Haworth, Inc.. B-297077; B-297077.2, November 23, 2005 (9 pages).
  • Hera Constructive S.A./Synthesis S.A., Joint Venture. B-297367, December 20, 2005 (6 pages).
  • Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc.--Costs. B-296860.3, December 27, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Incident Catering Services, LLC. B-296435.2, B-296435.3, B-296435.7, B-296435.8, September 7, 2005 (9 pages).
  • Information Ventures, Inc.. B-297225, December 1, 2005 (5 pages).
  • L-3 Systems Company Wescam Sonoma, Inc.. B-297323, December 3, 2005 (5 pages).
  • M&M Ret. Enterprises, LLC. B-297282, December 15, 2005 (4 pages).
  • Marine Industries NW. B-297207, December 2, 2005 (4 pages).
  • Metro Home Medical Supply, Inc.. B-297262, December 8, 2005 (4 pages).
  • PHT Corporation. B-297313, December 8, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Shaw Environmental, Inc.. B-297294, December 2, 2005 (5 pages).
  • Social Security Administration--Use of the Gallup Organization to Poll the Public on Social Security. B-305349, December 20, 2005 (8 pages).
  • WorldWide Language Resources, Inc.. B-297210, B-297210.2, B-297210.3, November 28, 2005 (5 pages).
  • YORK Building Services, Inc.. B-296948.2, B-296948.3, B-296948.4, December 1, 2005 (8 pages).

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Anderson of Public Affairs at (202)512-4800 or via email at

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