International Garment Processors

B-299674,B-299743,B-299746 July 17, 2007
Full Decision (PDF, 7 pages)   Full Decision (HTML)  


International Garment Processors (IGP) has filed three protests with our Office. The firm's initial protest (B-299674) challenges an award to Supreme Laundry and Cleaners under solicitation No. W911SG-07-T-3000, issued by the Department of the Army for dry cleaning, laundry, and sewing services for personnel and programs at Fort Bliss, Texas. IGP primarily contends that the agency has made a series of misstatements that call into question the credibility of agency contract personnel, and that an agency evaluator was biased against IGP and favored Supreme. IGP's second protest (B‑299743) challenges the terms of request for quotations (RFQ) No. W911SG-07-T-0201, issued for limited interim laundry services during the pendency of IGP's protest of the Supreme contract. IGP's third protest (B‑299746) challenges the agency's determination that the protester's revised quotation for the interim work was not timely received by the agency.

We deny the protests.