Computer Sciences Corporation; Unisys Corporation; Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc.; IBM Business Consulting Services--Federal

B-298494.10,B-298494.11,B-298494.12,B-298494.13,B-298494.14,B-298494.2,B-298494.3,B-298494.4,B-298494.5,B-298494.6,B-298494.7,B-298494.8,B-298494.9 May 10, 2007
Full Decision (PDF, 14 pages)   Full Decision (HTML)  


Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC); Unisys Corporation; Northrop Grumman Information Technology, Inc. (NGIT); and IBM Business Consulting Services--Federal protest the failure of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Department of Defense (DoD), to award "Encore II" contracts to the protesters under request for proposals (RFP) No. HC1013-05-R-2003 for information technology services supporting DoD and other federal agencies. The protesters challenge the agency's technical, past performance and price evaluation, the conduct of exchanges with the offerors, and source selection decision.

We sustain the protests.