Dakota State University makes big ideas a reality.

It's all here
The latest thinking, teaching and technology for students. A Tablet PC for all full-time students. Iris scan technology—like in the movies—controls computer security. A "hacker lab" to train you for what you're up against. Campus-wide wireless network and internet access keeps you connected 24/7. With your Tablet PC, you'll have your key to a whole new way of learning.

Being techno-savvy is more than what you know right now; it's handling whatever comes along. Whether you major in English or education, computer security or forensics, a DSU education provides the know-how and one-to-one attention that give you a distinct advantage—now and in the future.

Nothing beats 100%
Numerous DSU programs boast 100% job placement rate for graduates! A DSU education integrates technology into everything we teach. Sure, it makes classes more fun, but the skills gained from living and learning this way also increase your earning power after graduation.

Once upon a time…
DSU trained teachers in Dakota Territory in the late 19th century. But as times change, DSU changes with them, and we now offer 38 undergraduate and graduate degrees, each integrating high technology in its own way. These days, the rewards go to those who process and present information creatively, no matter the subject area. Oh, and we still turn out the best teachers, too.

Last Updated: 11/26/08