Cal Poly Pomona

 Click to read more at Polycentric A Message from President Ortiz
As fall quarter comes to an end, university President Michael Ortiz invites the campus community to watch his last video address for the 2008 calendar year. During the nine-minute video, Ortiz discusses the state budget and enrollment, CSU system-wide impaction and searching for new deans. Read more...
 Click to read more at Polycentric University Announces Breach of Data
Cal Poly Pomona is notifying 675 former student applicants that their personal information was inadvertently accessed. The information includes names, addresses, phone numbers and Social Security numbers; no financial data was involved. After a comprehensive review, there was no indication that anyone other than the individual who alerted the university had accessed the data. Read more...

PolyCentric - Cal Poly Pomona's Daily E-Magazine

December 5, 2008

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Cal Poly Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, California 91768
+1 909 869 7659

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