Music Libraries from Naxos and the Alexander Street Press
The Recorded Sound Reference Center now offers listeners five
comprehensive databases with music of all genres. Researchers can
listen to over
100,000 tracks in the Naxos Music Library and
five separate collections of recordings from the Alexander Street
Press music libraries.
The Alexander Street Press databases include the Classical
Music Library, Smithsonian Global Sound, Contemporary
World Music,
African-American Song, and American Song.
Researchers can access all 325, 000 tracks on a walk-in basis
in Room LM113 of the Library's Madison Building. No appointment
necessary. In addition to audio tracks, the databases include liner
notes and other information for many of the selections. Among the
record labels represented in the databases are Naxos, Marco Polo,
Wergo, Bridge Records, DaCapo, EMI, Hyperion, Smithsonian Folkways,
Document, Rounder and many others. Researchers can browse by genre,
title, composer, performer, record label and search by a variety
of methods. Listeners can also compile playlists of material.