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LL asks for donations to Creative Commons. Individual donations are up but corporate donations are down. Both good & bad.
Creative Commons lets people do what they already want to do.
98.5% of licenses were with attribution. This becomes clutter since basically everyone was going in one direction.
How to we enable licensing worldwide without creating licensing friction.
What is the right architecture for freedom.
Larry Lessig is back at Harvard after a stint at Stanford. Welcome back to the east coast #cc
@digiphile agreed, we are the commons. We need to stop extending copyright protection.
Eliminate the friction to commerce. Apply Net Neutrality to the Wireless space. Wish Tim Wu was here.
Lawyers are about eliminating risk. Business is about managing risk. Remixing is what creativity is all about.
At least that is what is in the public interest.
LL has it right, the net is not about legal control. The legal profession needs to wake up. It is about enabling creativity.
CC Discussion is very much like the vision of the original net. As an old Sun guy, "The Network is the Computer"
At the Creative Commons event. Sounds a lot like Stsllman at the beginning of Open Source.
Heading to the Creative Commons event at Harvard.
@cutshot Zentact looks interesting. Did you get an invite? I applied for mine. I will let you know if I get one.
RT techreview Winning Web formula. Predictive nature of content popularity and how advertisers could participate.
@deantak I wonder why this good gaming news is not on TV or headlines on the front page of the newspaper. Unfortunately bad news sells.
Listening in to the Remix Radio project on the Public Radio eXchange ( Have a listen at
The Network is the Computer? Sounds like Amazon EC2 to me.


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