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It's official: the Kinshasa airport in DRC is the strangest system on earth
Twitter, Facebook and smart phones: the perfect trifecta when bored in a lousy hotel lobby. Any other recommendtions from you guys?
@kepaki I'm so intrigued by this Shamwow! I can't wait to test drive one when I come back to the states.
Gmail, what's got into you!
It's a good thing DR Congo is a coffee country!
@jcolman God I love the interwebs. REI is lucky to have you.
How much money is spent annually by expats on prostitutes in nice hotels? I'm guessing somewhere in the gazillions.
It's too bad using toothpicks in US restaurants is taboo
@kepaki Definitely unbathed! And no more fish - I've eaten enough stinky river fish to last me a lifetime.
Air Congo: we welcome the unbathed and the bags of stinky fish!
@kepaki I hope there's a new Alien vs Predator or 10000bc 2 for us to see when I'm back!
Kudos to Ecuador for shunning oil for green:
@jcolman I love REI. What will you be doing with them? All the best!
I just discovered a fruit in the Congo called the beef heart. It's way tastier than the name implies.
Another day, another shower in a bucket
People jamming at the church next door on a friday at 140am. That's my kind of church.
@wildlifedirect You guys should take down the dead blogs
@nataliedell I've seen and recorded some bushmeat being sold in the markets - I'll share photos soon. They aint perdy.


michael lambie Scott Beale Dave Winer Darren Delaye Robert Scoble Wiebke Herding Jonathon D. Colman Darth Vader Chris Thomson Dave Barack Obama Pete Cashmore Darren Rowse Stephen Colbert ShoeMoney Lighter Footstep Juan Pons Joseph Kimojino National Wildlife Eduardo Jezierski Hank Green Jake de Grazia Kristine Marigomen DIOSA Communications Pam McAllister Paul Smith Birding with Bev DaisyWhitney Nicole P Alaska Ranger starfocus Ranger Jo Fiona Barclay Snuzzy Kvetch!