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@LiaHuber Thanks for the NYT lead. Already read, signed petition to BHO and then the Declaration as well!!!
Checking out Mr. Tweet, a personal assistant for discovering great followers and influencers in my network!(Please RT)
@sparkleplenty1 The Burgermeister Meisterburger!
@juicecowboy Why does that not surprise me? ; ^ )
@redneckmommy Hey. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it! ;^ )
Howdy, Y'all!
@1WineDude Me, too. And it is only 11:00 AM for me! : )
@ablegrape Take your voglia and run with it!
@MoutonNoirWines Very cute article! Stories like Phoebe's help demystify our world and allow more people to really enjoy wine!
@chinewinelover Nice photo. Glad to hear from you today!
OY! Not even my second espresso is helping me see through the fog that is my mind.
@goosecross Right on. Good for you. We'll keep your success in our thoughts!
@LisaAdamsWalter So Bummed I couldn't be there! Necessary info for me, but alas, not in the cards
@Catie Nog! Yum! I have my own little gourmet carton in the fridge as no one else likes it here.
Who's gonna open Wine Country Cupcakes in Healdsburg for us?


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