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@Tojosan @ScottShorter regarding 64b Flas for linux. Now out in beta, where the heck have you been hiding.
leaving for Milan in the morning. See you all there monday night.
@JeffCampbell Boxer dogs. Had one for the first 12 years of my life (godmother bred and showed them) Great dogs.
Chelsea FC. 60 minutes of boredom, followed by a beautiful strike! Chelsea 1-0 Bordeaux. Maybe the game will pick up interest now.
Chelsea FC kicks it off against Bordeaux.
@GordonWSmythe every century has had its killer disease. HIV may hang on BECAUSE of health care improvements
mountain lion was spotted in my neighborhood this morning. Time to lock up the cats and kids!
was just told voices in my head are from 13y of fortran , 5 of Ada. I personally think it was 18 years exposure to GPL.
@monkchips but in your case, you're a social media of 1 ! <grin>
So how does the community react to the potential of a new Ecma OOXML standard? ISo just published the OOXML std (18-Nov)
@jrep @timoreilly That's what i always thought, till I got picked for a case "under the direction of a criminal street gang"
@bob_sutor right with you. My son is driving home wednesday for the break, and it's supposed to rain. Rain in california, who knew!
@joshholmes That's wat mother-in-law are for. Making distance from home seem attractive
@jdowdell SWf, FLV/F4V, FlashCast are all available on SWF, FLV since May 1st, 2008
Panel on open source and why at Adobe MAX in 45 minutes. What would you ask @MJASAY? find fols and meetings near you
Join the Agency. Defeat status Quo. Ted PAtrick expounds
dreamweaver uses webkit for live view


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