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Laundry in 1982 was as easy for my family as it was for others' in 1942
just posted on a thanksgiving day disaster from 1978:
Confession: I did not have a toilet when I was growing up. Read about what it's like to live with an outhouse:
Twitter is only useful if you have time to spare. I don't. I could have spent the last 5 min. sleeping
#debate08 Obama knows the price of gas! Does McCain?
#debate08 McCain's personal manner lacks warmth.
Tut tut, it looks like rain!
@current how many times has Palin said "maverick"?
@current Palin "we represent a perfect ideal" ugh.
the average s.korean is 3 inches taller than the avg. n. korean WTF McCain! #current
remember mccain was a POW, so he still has a lot of energy left for buying houses and fighting #current
@minkblink i had start drinking a while ago. no other way to get through this #current
@ghosthokie diff btw McCain Obama: McCain IS history
"I have a record" "to send young men and women into harms way" WTF McCain #current
mccain: pakistan FAIL #current
happy at least to see two people debating who know what they are talking about #current
saw @danroam "back of the napkin" speak @adaptivepath. Very good, learned about emerging field called Graphic Faciliation"
@lulzftw I Can Has Cheezburger has a book! Joining PostSecret and CuteOverload in user-generated awesomeness! Internet WIN!
I got a new haircut and am loving it!
listening to a private webcast with seth godin.


Richard Ault Dave McClure Scott Beale  Chris Heuer Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Jeremiah Kristie Wells Justin Hallman Adaptive Path Social Media Club Barack Obama Jeff Clavier Charlene Li Ernest Prabhakar Paul D'Souza Commander in Chief Ryan Kuder sterlizzi shel israel UTeezSF calbear valleywag toby price x10 zefrank jeremycrane rajdhawan ejvongher skysman TomAsher 23andMe Tonja Conway patroclus12 nathanmcgee lulzftw