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Well hello there, newly redesigned Google Reader.
@NowPublic's designers missed a huge use case. Why can't I approve use of one of my photos without creating a NowPublic account. Stupid.
Just booked a couple nights at Home Hotel in Buenos Aires! Looks beautiful.
@gscottolson Frenzic looks like a lot of fun, so I bought it too. Let the competition begin!
Hmm, just got a spam IM from @livlab on Facebook. Might want to change your password, @livlab.
Answering a question about turning clarified butter back into regular butter on
Waiting on line for my free bike lights, courtesy of the SF Bicycle Coalition!
Just bought an absolutely gigantic piece of luggage. If I can't find a place to stay in Argentina, I'll just sleep inside of it.
New iPhone with unbroken accelerometer acquired. Now I can play a proper game of JellyCar!
Great morning for a breakfast of farm fresh eggs, french pressed coffee and Brubeck's Three To Get Ready.
Whoa! Gas for $1.93 a gallon in San Francisco.
Going to see My Beamish Boy at the Argus Lounge on Mission tonight. Also, Emmy's Spaghetti Shack!
I love you Lanesplitter Temescal.
Plane landed in Oakland an hour early. That's a first!
File under shittiest ways to die: Wal-Mart worker dies after crowd rushes store -
On the plane in Rochester. Waiting for the douche with the Ducati luggage to sit down.
Go listen to Arlo Guthrie's Thanksgiving / anti-draft classic Alice's Restaurant. Now! Happy Thanksgiving!
@gscottolson Doh! The asian lady? ...but she drives so slow!
Just bought my ticket to Argentina!


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