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Christmas lights hung: Check
Repeat after me: No deal is worth waiting in line outside a store at 4am.
Missing my family today
Gears of War 2 is ... wow.
Seriously regretting having watched a zombie movie just now.
Life Friendly Friday! @ SF Food Bank
Watching King of Kong in HD, streaming via Netflix to my 360. Works like a charm.
@joepemberton couldn't be further from the truth.
Illness caused by the very medication prescribed to fight the illness? Who knew. More rest for me.
The New Xbox Experience should make staying home tomorrow more bearable.
Still dying of a strep infection, one week later. When will this thing release it's grip?
Tonight's agenda: Chicken Soup and watching "Helvetica"
For the record, I am not above using emoticons.
Cleaning services rule.
Just updated my personal site with a new non-design.
Sick, by definition, is inconvenient.
My zero inbox now says 2738. Is it broken, or am I?
No Joe, "spice" is not the plural for "spouse."
Executive power-lunching
OH: "The concept was too conceptual."


Andrew Crow Tami Jo Brian Fling Major Nelson (Larry) Grant Hutchinson Cameron Moll Stephen Coles Kevin Rose Joe Pemberton hotdogsladies Zara Evens Jim Coudal C. Enrique Ortiz Nancy Broden MAKE Magazine / pt Jac Madsen Dan Harrelson Joshua Ulm Punchcut Gareth judyh Heckl missy_kelley jannine Wm Morris Aaron Munter Typophile jay yukes alexalbrecht Christian Robertson